Greetings . . .
Live, love, laugh and be happy . . . as Doris Day sang.
And that is what our God wants for each of us.
But the commandments on the “loving” part are a real challenge, as all know who try to follow them.
And that is what I am exploring in to-day’s THOUGHTS at . . .
May all the blessings of God be yours
Nola-Susan Crewe JD, MDiv, MA, GCTJ
Rector - St. Monica’s Anglican Church
Grand Prior III Canada (2017-2020) - OSMTH
Live, love, laugh and be happy . . . as Doris Day sang.
And that is what our God wants for each of us.
But the commandments on the “loving” part are a real challenge, as all know who try to follow them.
And that is what I am exploring in to-day’s THOUGHTS at . . .
May all the blessings of God be yours
Nola-Susan Crewe JD, MDiv, MA, GCTJ
Rector - St. Monica’s Anglican Church
Grand Prior III Canada (2017-2020) - OSMTH