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Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - The 24th of May 2020

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  • Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - The 24th of May 2020

    Jerusalem Sunday.Jerusalem: What does it mean to Jews, Muslims, Christians and you?

    Good morning . . .

    It is wonderful to see stores opening up and people daring out and dog parks with dogs in them. It is still a baby step but it is a step toward easing the barriers.

    And we expect that St Monica’s will soon reopen (whether in the restaurants, theatres or concerts category, we have not yet learned). With that comes the question: should we continue these weekly missives or were they only useful in these times of corona virus? Here is to-day’s offering.

    I am not asking for an answer to-day. But I am asking you to think about it. I must say I get much more interesting comments on-line. My Gran taught me that you had to listen to a sermon until you had something nice to say to the preacher on the way out . . . and church folk do follow that pattern.

    Get outdoors: even if only on your balcony or open wide a window . . . the sun is shining and the earth is warming and speaking to new life after a grey season of worry and care.

    Pray for the health and wellbeing, the peace and joy, for all God’s people and on this Jerusalem Sunday, I ask that you add to your prayers, this simple petition . . .

    “O, God, give your deep joy to those who welcome the pilgrims
    seeking to know the Holy Lands and Your Holy City of
    Jerusalem and its many peoples that all may rejoice and live
    in harmony to Your greater glory. AMEN”

    Have a blessed week and see you, same time, same place, same station a week from now: God willing.

    The Reverend Nola Crewe, JD, M.A., M.Div., GOTJ
    Rector – St Monica’s Anglican Church
    Grand Prior – Canada, OSMTH / SOMTH