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Wall Street. It's a Jungle Out There

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  • Wall Street. It's a Jungle Out There

    Someone asked me if I had watched the people picketing Wall Street.

    Gee, I don't know amything about that, I kept meaning to watch on t.v. By the time I half way keep things going around here I just don't get time. Anyway, I'd rather watch Monk, whose theme song is, "It's a jungle out there."
    Taxes paid to institutionalize one disabled person was 4000. a month is 19. . .whenever. Don't know about today. I'm saving the tax payers that much. Do the math for fifty years
    4000.00 for one year is 48,000.00. There were 49.7 million
    disabled in the U.S. in the year 2000.
    For fifty years
    2,400,000.00. And that is just me. Take that times 49.7 million. I can't even write the number of bucks there.
    The parents who have the advantages of schooling for the handicap via
    special education all over the U.S. is something I fought like a tiger to initiate, even though, often times the money will go to buy football outfits instead of to the disabled student, it still allows the parent to take care of their own child.
    Wall street? Nope I don't know anything about gambling. Hard work on a daily basis along with prayer just to be able to maintain is all I know. In folks wellness they can't seem to cope with this rotten old world, and it must be the same for those gambling on wall street.
    Certainly is true with the tribe. We, mother and I, fought so hard for social
    programs, now they take the incoming money and keep the car dealers here in town living in the lap of luxury and I can't throw stones while living in a glass house. We do the same things on a personal basis. Even though Sam Walton drove an old red pick-up truck that is just too hard to do for us.
    Strange world in which we live. I now believe, certainly, there will be a reckoning from a higher power.
    Read the hard facts about gambling.
    In our area, let me count, nine (9) casinos that is counting the slots at the filling station in Pawnee. Every day I drive by the one just a couple miles from here. Never is there a time when cars are not lined up in the parking lot. If you read the above article you will see
    many facts about gambling, I didn't know. For me, it is rather like the proverbial elephant in the living room.
    It's there, we walk past it every day, and so on and so forth.
    Mostly, anymore, I don't get involved with that world out there. There's just too much to do here. I've learned my lesson on charging windmills like the well known, legendary. Don Quixote.
    Sharing little tid-bits of frugal recipes, etc. is my venue
    these days.