If you scan over this article below let me know if you scanned over it whether you agree or not. This is how I get my community service time in with my faith, one of the requirements put before us. Just as Jesus saw it as a duty to share good news with his community wherever he was at the time, so it is we take on a similar duty. Being more or less
removed from the freedom most people have to get in their car, socialize with each other while
visiting their “territories” I have not had that privilege and never have had since the birth of a disabled Cerebral Palsied Child.
One way or another I battled through the challenges. Once while Rod worked shifts in Dallas I could get out of the house in the mornings before he had to sleep. Another time
in Oklahoma City we had a very large wheeled stroller so Rhonda and I braved the broken sidewalks
etc to call on people in our territory. Very often I felt my efforts were of little value because I never
could follow through on a Bible study to see it through completion, that is, until one day I was able to
go in a car load and realized the folks were having Bible studies with the same people I had been visiting with via letter writing.
When I began sharing good things, happy events on this machine I have walked through some terrible times with folks, unbelievable hardships and at times this does get heavy. However, the wonderful thank you notes along with prayer make up for any tears shed .
Here’s the article and by the way since it has taken about an hour to research this that is all the time required to report in one month’s period. I do get much more than that, though. If you scan over the article I can count that as a literature assingment.
Iinteresting article on the occult, a point in prominence at this time of Halloween
In the words of Elvis, Thanks You, Thank you very much. <grin>