Old Blue Eyes sang this song around the time we were living in Dallas and I was always partial to it.
The words struck home with me because it was the way I felt about living there. If I could have been in
two places at one time, I would have been in Dallas yet.
Here on the Rhonda Lou time marches along with all of us doing the best we can. About the most interesting news of late is that of my neighbor calling me to get the phone number of the Osage agency.
“I have an archeologist on my back door step telling me they are going to drill for oil directly over the fence just steps away from my patio.” The man was emotional and upset, no doubt, about that. “My heavens, they have that whole pasture, why are they drilling at my backdoor?”
I tried to make my voice soothing and calm as I mentioned it was a holiday and he would have to wait until the next day to call. I related how the oil company had drilled on Mother’s land and spilled salt water over several pecan trees, killing them. He stopped long enough to listen. In my mind I’m thinking, “An archeologist or a geologist?” I didn’t dare ask, though.
When I mentioned the call to my grandson he said, “Oh boy! You aren’t going to get much sleep for the next month or so!”
“Really?” I exclaimed.
“No you won’t, and I hope they don’t come down his drive way. That will make a mess of the road out front.” My grandson is wise about such things?
I’m not much concerned, we will endure, as always. IF they drill, IF it is noisy, IF the road gets torn up,
there will have to be a way to cope with all that. I’ll think about it while we may have to muffle the noise out with tunes like Old Blue Eyes sings, the road isn’t that swift anyway, and maybe they will come in through the pasture in back. IF they do, all's the better.