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My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes

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  • My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes

    just have to find other ways to see that Rhonda has an opportunity to enjoy some association. Where? Don’t ask me.

    We were part of a small club, International Club. Rhonda and I did enjoy that for a number of years. I couldn’t keep that up. My diet is so miserable to follow and there is a lot of sharing of good food there. Sometimes I can get away with it, other times I can be sick for three or four days, maybe more for indulging from some café with delectable food I just couldn’t resist. They use so many preservatives, especially in warm weather which is a must, I understand, to keep people from getting food poisoning.

    Probably, a new camcorder will be purchased. Rhonda enjoys my work with that. I’ll have to start all over with the
    DVDs, Possibly I’ve worked out a way to put music with my work. I accidentally stumbled on that while I had the radio on to some good music and it came over the camcorder. What I plan to do is get a battery for my CD player so appropriate music can be used while I'm shooting. A strap to carry it on my shoulder will work. I’ll have to do more planning. It won’t be possible to shoot the scene and come home, search for the best music and dub it onto the scene, not with DVDs unless I had expensive equipment.

    We have great numbers of Canadian Honkers here that winter over. I’m thinking, “My Heart goes where the wild goose goes.” They are so much fun to watch as they do all sorts of antics there on the shores of the Standing Bear Park pond.

    Cerebral Palsy ties the muscles of Rhonda and she has never known the freedom most people take for granite.
    Birds in their flight give her a thrill and she enjoys watching them with me.

    To stay away from the conflicts of groups isn't a choice for us but actually a standard. All the jockying for power, position, or snide small remarks in groups cannot be controled and that would touch no one else often can total either Rhonda or myself out. This can't be helped it is just the way of the suffering to go with a disability. Most of the time we do very well, but only because I see to the
    surroundings of us.

  • #2
    Re: My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes

    Thanks, Donna for the above link & your words. Take care, Joan


    • #3
      Re: My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes

      We have the Canadian geese to go over our house on the way to the lakes from the large pond behind us. I love to stand outside to listen to their honkings as they fly low. When I
      was a kid the meaning was different, all I could think of then was, "Oh great! Goose for dinner." :) Dad always kept a shotgun beside the back door of the ranch house just for that purpose. Strange how our lives change. The goose down pillows from their breast feathers would do nothing for my allergies these days.

      Thanks for the reply. I'm through with correction on last book so am enjoying a moment here on the forum.



      • #4
        Re: My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes


        We here in Falkirk (Central Scotland) are fortunate to be on the path of the geese, as they fly from the north to lands just 4.5 miles - 7Km to the south.

        I often wonder just what they are saying to each other..... 'Hey..... I can now see where we land..... ' ?



        • #5
          Re: My Heart Goes Where the Wild Goose Goes


          Geese, when I was a child on the prairie were a gift from above. :) Their breast feathers for warm mattresses and pillows. Mother knew how to cook them so they were a delicacy.

          Today on the Standing Bear Park couple of miles from here we have them on the pond there. They are permanent residents, raise their young and they grow up. Soon there is an
          over abundance and I think they have to carry them off, somewhere. . .

          My friend walked there for exercise until the geese hissing at her scared her off. I don't know why they didn't bother me, too busy scaring the wits out of her, I suppose.

          Thanks for the note, Ranald. My favorite cousin was Ronald, but pronounced differently I'm sure. We called him Ronnie.

          Working with apricots, we picked bushels and still there are more. I neglected to prune the trees and there are too many, small too. They are delicious though. I don't have big freezers anymore so will have to can them. Thought I might buy a freezer but all the appliances over here are a toss up for working. I bought a
          fridge and it plain doesn't work. A neighbor says she has to rearrange clothes in the washing machine every 15 minutes. :(

          Helped Granddaughter with her graduation cards and cap and gown. She finished on-line because she was standing close to the boy who brought a gun to school. Her mother,
          finally, could see the danger. On line was better, anyway, she worked harder.

          Thanks so much for the note. I've lost three brothers and have to rely on strangers now for
          breaking the monotony. One brother still calls every day, just hung up with him.


