“You will have a blessing from above,
The Creator must know and see your love.”
My praise went unnoticed by the woman girl,
Was something there in her mind’s whirl?
Today, July 2, 2012 so suddenly and abruptly gone
Your life cut short swiftly, you left us alone.
There are no words, no expression of hope’s ray
All to wait and pray for yours and our bright day.
Why do I weep with heart tearing sobs
Really, never knew you and your jobs
Only the observer from back seat row
As on with your chores you did go.
Seeing your sons grow from babes to men
Walking along beside while you begin
Steady, uncomplaining, all burden’s weight
Of family, faith, community those to negate.
This part of your trials are done
Yes, dear Evelyn, you have won.