We created this forum for our Electric Scotland visitors so they could comment, correct, or add information.
As you may know ElectricScotland.com is the largest Scottish history site with some 150 gigs of data. Visitors come from USA - 45%, UK - 20%, Canada - 10%, Australia & NZ - 7.5% with the balance coming from around 250 other countries. We get some 1.2 million page impressions each month.
We see ourselves as being an educational content site all about the history of Scotland, the Scots and people and places of Scots descent around the world.
Over the years we've tried to bring you our history on all aspects of life with General History of the country but also digging deeper into religion, medicine, law, sport, nature, literature, poetry, social history, our industries, and of course the histories of Scottish Clans and families and also the Scots-Irish.
An equally large part of the site is to do with Scots in the World where we trace what the Scots did when they emigrated to countries all over the world. This is a huge story in its own right.
And so as you browse the site and get to read some of the histories and other information we hold you can come in here to comment on it. Offer new information. And ask questions or make suggestions on what else you'd like to see us put up on the site.
As you may know ElectricScotland.com is the largest Scottish history site with some 150 gigs of data. Visitors come from USA - 45%, UK - 20%, Canada - 10%, Australia & NZ - 7.5% with the balance coming from around 250 other countries. We get some 1.2 million page impressions each month.
We see ourselves as being an educational content site all about the history of Scotland, the Scots and people and places of Scots descent around the world.
Over the years we've tried to bring you our history on all aspects of life with General History of the country but also digging deeper into religion, medicine, law, sport, nature, literature, poetry, social history, our industries, and of course the histories of Scottish Clans and families and also the Scots-Irish.
An equally large part of the site is to do with Scots in the World where we trace what the Scots did when they emigrated to countries all over the world. This is a huge story in its own right.
And so as you browse the site and get to read some of the histories and other information we hold you can come in here to comment on it. Offer new information. And ask questions or make suggestions on what else you'd like to see us put up on the site.