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Newsletter for 8th July 2022

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  • Newsletter for 8th July 2022

    For the latest news from Scotland see our ScotNews feed at:

    Electric Scotland News

    I note that Boris Johnston has resigned as Prime Minister of the UK. On the whole it seems to be that he is not trusted by the majority of the Tory party MP\s due to various mishaps and lies as to Partygate where he attended private parties in Downing street in direct disobedience to his own Covid rules and other missteps he has made where he has said one thing but done another.

    Problem I see is that there is no real alternative to replace him as most are just as incompetent. There is to be a leadership contest so it will be interesting to see how this turns out. Similarly in Canada the same situation is going on with a leadership contest in the Conservative party.

    So... interesting times to come for both the UK and Canada.

    Scottish News from this weeks newspapers
    Note that this is a selection and more can be read in our ScotNews feed on our index page where we list news from the past 1-2 weeks. I am partly doing this to build an archive of modern news from and about Scotland and world news stories that can affect Scotland and as all the newsletters are archived and also indexed on Google and other search engines it becomes a good resource. I might also add that in a number of newspapers you will find many comments which can be just as interesting as the news story itself and of course you can also add your own comments if you wish which I do myself from time to time.

    Message from the Governor General to mark Canada Day
    Wherever and however you mark the day, remember to keep working together to build an inclusive society. Be kind to each other. Make safe spaces where our stories can be told.

    Read more at:

    It's raining men...hallelujah?
    Are there too many men in Britain? One of the less-discussed patterns of the first tranche of 2021 census data is a pronounced imbalance between the sexes in younger age groups. With boys too often failing in schools, and then the jobs market, that's a fact that ought to be keeping policymakers up at night.

    Read more at:

    China on track for contagious crash within weeks - threat of deflation for whole world
    Author and J Capital Research co-founder Anne Stevenson-Yang has warned the world to brace for deflation, as China's economy is about to crash.

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    Visit Glencoe’s newly opened unique replica 17th-century turf and creel house
    The turf, wattle and thatch structure was erected using traditional materials, tools and techniques.

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    Adorable owl chick blends in with stuffed toys on shelf at Scottish Owl Centre
    The five-week-old spectacled owl could barely be distinguished as real as it sat next to the toy owls.

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    Independence referendum plan provokes calls for urgent blueprint for a better Britain
    Opponents of independence were yesterday urged to produce an alternative blueprint for Scotland’s future within the UK in response to the SNP’s plan for a second referendum.

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    Euro in FREEFALL
    Currency loses 10% of value against dollar edging nearer parity disaster.

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    Boris Johnson officially resigns as Prime Minister after months of scandal
    It comes after days of chaos that saw a large number of minister resign and call for his head over his handling of the Chris Pincher crisis.

    Read more at:

    Electric Canadian

    Although Montreal could be described as half Paris, half Brooklyn - it is after all the most populated francophone city in North America - the city has an identity of its own. Made up of a peculiar mix of creative citizens, cobblestones and potholes, Montreal is not the biggest, nor the richest or boldest. But as The Life Sized City host Mikael Colville-Andersen learns, it's one of the best cities to live in, and it certainly is a happy underdog.

    Learn more at:

    Hamilton is proving to be the place that can provide them with both affordable housing as well as opportunity. Hamiltonians want us to know that great things come in mid-sized packages, too.

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    Learn more about Toronto at:

    Cobalt is considered the home of the Canadian mining industry. After years of shrinking economic opportunities, resource exploitation seems poised to once again be a major employer as a new refinery struggles to get off the ground.

    Learn more at:

    Cobalt Souvenir and Cook Book
    A Collection of choice tested recipes contributed and compiled by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Cobalt, Ontario (1909) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Our Little Life
    A Novel of Today by J. G. Sime (1921) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 3rd day of July 2022
    By the Rev. Nola Crewe

    You can watch this at:

    The Story of Laura Secord
    And Canadian Reminiscences by Emma A. Currie (1900) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Electric Scotland

    Beth's Video Talks
    July 6th 2022 - Tea delicious tea

    You can view this talk at:

    The Story of Pet Marjorie
    (Marjorie Fleming) with her journals, now first published by L. MacBean (Second Edition Illustrated) to which is added Marjory Fleming, a story of child-life fifty years ago by John Brown, M.D. (1905) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Mearns Voices
    By Mearns Writers. The Mearns Voices Podcast brings you a selection of work from our Aberdeenshire based writing group. Relax and travel with us in poetry and short stories.

    You can listen to this at:

    Amid the High Hills
    By Sir Hugh Fraser (1923) (pdf)

    You can read this at:,.pdf

    Life and remains of Robert Lee, D.D., F.R.S.E.
    Minister of the Church and parish of Old Greyfriars by Robert Herbert Story in two volumes (1870)

    You can read this at:

    Scottish Banner
    Got in their July 2022 issue which you can read at:

    Beattie, George
    A poet, a humourist, and a man of genius

    You can read about him at:

    Across the River
    Twelve views of Heaven by Norman MacLeod, D.D. Robt. S. Candlish, D.D., Henry Allon, James Parsons, R. W. Hamilton, D.D. James Spence, D.D., William Chalmers, M.A., James Hamilton, D.D., James Wonnacot, William Jay, &c. (1864) (pdf)

    You can read this at:


    A Galloway Worthy
    By Evan J. Cuthbertson

    NON-COMPLIANCE is the keynote to the Galloway character, and by non-compliance have the men of Galloway made themselves what they are. I have no doubt they are born resisting; they live resisting, and, if the testimony of the tombstones be accepted, they certainly die resisting. There is a legend current of a Galloway youth of one hundred years of age who was found by a roadside weeping because his father had thrashed him for throwing stones at his grandfather. “I wull not!” is writ large in their very countenances. They are typified by a red-eyed, thick-necked, black Galloway bull that ‘held-up’ two unhappy cyclists one August day last summer, intimating most plainly whenever they attempted to pass him, “I wull not!”

    It is not a growth of yesterday this non-compliance. When Agricola marched through Kirkcudbright parish in the year 82 he fought his way against the stubborn resistance of a dozen British forts. To-day, through all the province, the Roman encampments stand over against the British, testifying from century to century to the sturdy independence and determined non-compliance of the ancient Galloway folks.

    In place of the fathers came the children. The martyr stones of Kirkcudbrightshire, on many of which the chisel of “Old Mortality” has wrought, bear eloquent witness to this. But it is not of any who died for their faith, but of one who lived that these lines are writ of John Macmillan, minister of Balmaghie Parish, Apostle of the Cameronians, whose life is the story of the non-compliance of a good man in time of moral and ecclesiastical slackness.

    Macmillan was a true Galloway man; his birth place, Barncauchlaw, a solitary hill farmhouse (still standing) some miles from Newton Stewart, on the edge of the country of the “Raiders” and “Men of the Moss Hags.” An untamed countryside, of rocking moss and savage boulders, large tracts of it to-day scarce safe without a guide; but if you would know it in 1669, Macmillan’s birth-year, blot from your vision every road and bridge and fence. The lad’s early years were spent herding his father’s sheep, and his character bears the imprint of his hill surroundings. All through his after-days he is still the Galloway herd, careful of his flock, determined, self-reliant.

    He was born in troublous times. In his birth-year was passed the Assertory Act of Charles II, declaring the king’s supremacy over all persons and in all matters ecclesiastical. His parents were members of the United Societies, whose principles were spiritual independence, separation from those who accepted the modified Presbyterianism conceded by the Government, and non-recognition of the lawful authority of the existing powers in Church and State. Thus Macmillan was brought up among the ‘hill folk,’ and knew of the ‘killing time’ when it was a crime, punishable by death, not only to attend the conventicles, but to have any human intercourse with those who did. But with the Revolution came promise of better times, and Macmillan, with leanings to the ministry, went to Edinburgh University, took his Arts degree, entered the Divinity Hall, and in 1701 was ordained minister of Balmaghie Church and parish, in the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright. Many have condemned his entering the Church of Scotland, but it has to be* borne in mind that at that time the United Societies were training no ministers, and hope of a peaceful settlement was in the air.

    Balmaghie Kirk was a small building on a rising slope above Dee Water almost opposite Crossmichael village, not unlike Rutherford’s Church at Anwoth. A gable end still stands, and we know the size of the edifice, eighteen yards by twelve. It was slated, but the manse hard by was thatched. Pews were unknown, and the congregation sat on rough benches or stools. The parish contained, perhaps, 400 people, and some idea of Macmillan’s parishioners may be obtained from the following description of his latest biographer: —

    "It was a parish thinly peopled, with a hardy but ill-clad and ill-fed body of inhabitants, houses in huts and hovels where we should not nowadays care to put a dog. We have to think of them dwelling almost al fresco amid wide unfenced fields, or beside pathless moss-hags, or in little dingy groups of thatched houses. We have to remember that few of them could read or write, yet in nearly every home there was family worship of praise and prayer. We must bear in mind, too, the absence of roads and bridges, the rude implements of husbandry, the uncultured and superstitious ways of the peasantry. It was the day of brownies and witches, charms and spells. Nor, above all, can we form a fair judgment of the troubles which arose without always remembering the martyrs' graves and the stern wild enthusiasm of the Galloway Covenanters. For many of Macmillan's parishioners had been among the "hill folks' or 'wild folks,' and some had narrowly escaped death for conscience sake. Scotland’s Reformation. Covenants, National and Solemn League' were household words with all acceptable minister, and so fraught with solemnity and conviction of sin were his communion celebrations, to which came people from far and near, that the tradition is that none who was unworthv could look on Macmillan’s cup. From the first he won the affections of his people, and it was from the Presbytery that trouble came.

    With the accession of Queen Anne, who leaned strongly to Episcopacy, the Presbyterian Establishment again hung in the balance. It was saved by the Queen’s recognition, but Macmillan speedily proved himself an acceptable minister, and so fraught with solemnity and conviction of sin were his communion celebrations, to which came people from far and near, that the tradition is that none who was unworthv could look on Macmillan’s cup. From the first he won the affections of his people, and it was from the Presbytery that trouble came.

    With the accession of Queen Anne, who leaned strongly to Episcopacy, the Presbyterian Establishment again hung in the balance. It was saved by the Queen’s recognition, but all ministers were ordered by the Privy Council to swear allegiance and subscribe the assurance to Government. This caused some heartsearching, but the General Assembly knowing the hold that Episcopacy had, and that in many parishes curates still held the benefices, and feeling the jeopardy of its position, swallowed the allegiance and assurance, and the Presbyteries on the whole followed suit. But Macmillan distrusting, as did many another minister, the ecclesiastical politicians of the Assembly, would not, and, being taken to task by his Presbytery, lodged a paper of grievances against the Church Courts, maintaining that the Assemblies had neither asserted Presbyterian Government, nor denounced prelacy, and that they were vassals holding of the Crown and not of Christ. It was an able and formidable indictment, and its corollary was that the Church Courts, though in form Presbyterian, were so only by sanction of civil law, and that, therefore, Christ’s true ministers owed them no allegiance. But no self-respecting Presbytery could endure being flouted in this way, and the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright held not a few members who possessed temper and self-importance as well as self-respect. Many were the outs and ins of the conflict, but in the grey dawn of a December morning in 1703, after a sederunt of fourteen hours, Macmillan was in absence deposed from his charge.

    The Presbytery imagined they had finished the affair; such, at anyrate, is the phrase in their minutes; but so far was it from being finished that twenty-four years were to elapse ere Macmillan went forth from church and manse. For the Presbytery could not depose Macmillan’s congregation, and when, a month later, one of their members proceeded to Balmaghie to preach the kirk vacant he was met at the kirkyard by some twenty or thirty men who laid hold of his horse’s bridle, and he was compelled to retire to an adjoining house, where he preached to such as were present. Macmillan himself conducting service in the church. This was the first of many such scenes, for Macmillan’s people adhered to him almost to a man. The Presbytery sent supplies, while Macmillan was in Edinburgh in connection with his case, but the key's of the church could not be found and the supplies had usually to enter by the window, and preached to empty benches. When Macmillan was at home he preached to a crowded kirk, while the boat that crossed the Dee containing the Presbytery’s men was not allowed to reach the landing place. The Assembly moved in the matter and minister and people were summoned before the Privy Council, but failed to appear. Pacific measures were next tried at a conference at the publichouse at Clachanpluck. now Laurieston, but Macmillan’s opponents were so tactless as to offer him a sum of money if he would leave the district. ‘Sirs,’ he retorted indignantly, ‘let your money perish with you! I am not going to make merchandise of my ministry.'

    The Sheriff-depute came by boat with a notary “to put Mr Macmillan out of his hot nest, as he styled it, but he met with as scant treatment as if he had been but a Presbytery supply. Infuriated, he peremptorily summoned under fine of £50 Scots the heritors of twelve parishes to assist him. About one hundred assembled and rode to Balmaghie, a constable carrying in a bag new locks for church and manse. They were met near the church by a crowd of women, the men being posted round the kirk. The Sheriff gave the order, “forward,” but a gentlewoman (so the narrative runs) taller in person than many ordinary men, laid hold on him, seizing the horse’s bridle, and said, “Sir, you need not insist in this affair, for by no means will we allow you in such an action as you are about.” The perplexed Sheriff could not ride down women, so exclaiming. “Let them employ their sojers, I am not obliged to fight for it,” gave his second order, “right about.” and retreated with his bodyguard, his constable, and his locks.

    The civil authorities then slackened their proceedings, doubtless in the knowledge that nearly the whole of Galloway was at Macmillan’s back prepared if need be to demonstrate with arms. Macmillan about this time definitely withdrew from the State Church and joined the United Societies. His successor was ordained for safety’s sake in Kirkcudbright burgh, not without interruption even there, but entirely failed to gain admittance to Balmaghie church or manse, and a small meeting-place had to be put up for him in the parish, which was nicknamed the House of Rimmon.

    Macmillan was now very much occupied with the general work of the Societies, of which he was a prominent member, and about 1711 a working arrangement was come to with his rival, who was a peaceable man, whereby the latter occupied the pulpit in Macmillan's absence. Thus friction gradually died down till, in 1727, Macmillan decided in the interests of all parties to leave. He had been receiving no stipend, the church sadly needed repairs, and a decree against him had been obtained for seventeen years’ rent of manse and glebe. His people were ready to meet this, but he would not allow them, and on his departure law and order once more reigned in Balmaghie parish.

    Of his thirty-six years’ ministry as a member of the United Societies and of his part in the organising and development of the Reformed Presbyterian Church there is no time now to tell, but I would regret if he were to be regarded merely as a tumultuous law-breaker. In our day, among all the sects, the endeavour is to find a common meeting ground, and Macmillan’s Church has been practically swallowed up in larger and ever larger unions. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that this is only possible because the Church of Christ in Scotland to-day has won much for which he contended and suffered; she cherishes as her dearest possession the spirited independence which he demanded, and she will do well to count him as one of her most honoured sons.


    A larger account of him can be read in the book: A Cameronian Apostle Being some Account of John Macmillan of Balmaghie by the Rev. H. W. B. Reid, B. D., Balmaghie with ten illustrations (1896) (pdf)

    Weekend is almost here and hope it's a good one for you.
