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Electric Scotland's Weekly Newsletter for August 23rd, 2024

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  • Electric Scotland's Weekly Newsletter for August 23rd, 2024

    Electric Scotland News

    To celebrate the 2024 World Pipe Band Championship I thought I'd bring you two videos with some interesting content. In addition, I have provided a link in our News section to the winning pipe band performance.

    Soldier Pipers in Peace and War
    A fascinating selection from the film series Battle Lines of personal testimonies about the role and duties of soldier pipers both in peace and war.

    You can watch this at:


    When the Pipers Play - the film
    The original full length version of When The Pipers Play. Winner of four awards, this is the definitive history of the great Highland bagpipe in peace and war. Narrated by Hannah Gordon, Tom Conti and Charlton Heston this compelling story combines inspiring songs with stunning footage, bringing to the screen a unique insight into one of the world’s most popular instruments.

    You can watch this at:

    Scottish News from this weeks newspapers

    I am partly doing this to build an archive of modern news from and about Scotland and world news stories that can affect Scotland and as all the newsletters are archived and also indexed on search engines it becomes a good resource. I might also add that in a number of newspapers you will find many comments which can be just as interesting as the news story itself and of course you can also add your own comments if you wish which I do myself from time to time.

    Here is what caught my eye this week...

    UK economy growing 'twice as fast as France
    France suffered the shame of having its credit ratings cut in June, in the latest humiliation for Emmanuel Macron.

    Read more at:

    Economic reality hits the SNP's fiction
    Last week, the Scottish Government published its balance sheet. What it showed is that Scotland’s fiscal deficit increased again to £22.7bn mainly due to a substantial fall in revenue from oil and gas. For many, this is proof that the economics of the independence aren't as water tight as the SNP would have them believe.

    Read more at:

    Conrad Black: The Charter is dead - Jordan Peterson's forced re-education proves it
    The monster of the administrative state must be brought to heel

    Read more at:

    Campaigner Annemarie Ward tells of despair as she steps back from battle against drug abuse
    Campaigner Annemarie Ward tells of despair as she steps back from battle against drug abuse and warns of impending disaster and ‘failed’ government policy that traps addicts in dependency

    Read more at:

    Inveraray and District Pipe Band | 2024 Medley | World Pipe Band Championships
    Amazing medley.. one of the best have heard in a long time. Very musical... everything was tight! Very well deserved win... congratulations to the band. One for the books!

    Watch their performance at:

    World Pipe Band Championships 2024 Finale - March Past and Results
    March past, salute to The Chieftain and results - Glasgow Green, 17 August 2024.

    Watch this at:

    Elon Musk Unveils UFO Fighter Jet That Defies Physics
    In a surprising turn of events, the Israel-Hamas conflict is now overshadowed by major technological news. As Israel and its allies reveal their new, advanced fighter jets with amazing capabilities and advanced features, Elon Musk's SpaceX makes headlines for something entirely different; launching a UFO and challenging the U.S. government. This new UFO has sparked global curiosity, raising questions about its technology and its potential impact on the conflict. What makes this UFO so unique? How would its presence affect the Israel-Hamas conflict?

    Watch this at:

    Canada rail shutdown threatens US supply chains
    Crucial supply chains are under threat across North America after a rail labour dispute in Canada led to shutdown of freight traffic on the country's two largest railways

    Read more at:

    Electric Canadian

    John Ross Robertson
    Added this person to our Makers of Canada page which you can read at:

    The History of Freemasonry in Canada
    From its introduction in 1749, compiled and written from official records and from MSS covering the period 1749-1858, in the possession of the author by James Ross Robertson, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in two volumes (1900)

    You can read these volumes at:

    The Scottish Highlander
    By J. L. Morison, Professor of History, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (pdf)

    You can read this talk at:

    History of The Knights Templars of Canada
    From the Foundation of the Order in A.D. 1800 to the Present Time with an historical retrospect of Templarism culled from the writings of the historians of the Order by J. Ross Robertson (1890) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 18th day of August 2024 - Rest
    By the Rev. Nola Crewe

    You can watch this at:

    Discover the richest family in Canada in this video!
    Learn about their wealth, business empire, and how they became one of the wealthiest families in the country.

    You can watch this at:

    The Beaver Magazine
    Added Volume 1 No. 9 (1921) (pdf)

    You can read this issue at:

    Electric Scotland

    British Compendium
    Or, Rudiments of Honour containing the Origin of the Scots, and Succession of their Kings for above 2000 years; Also the Titles, Descents, Marriages, Intermarriages, Issue, Posts, and Sears of all the Scottish Nobility, with their Robes, and Arms, fourth edition, by Francis Nichols (1741) (pdf)

    You can read this book at:

    Scottish Tardigrada, collected by the Lake Survey
    By James Murray (1907) (pdf)

    They have been found in diverse regions of Earth's biosphere – mountaintops, the deep sea, tropical rainforests, and the Antarctic. Tardigrades are among the most resilient animals known, with individual species able to survive extreme conditions – such as exposure to extreme temperatures, extreme pressures (both high and low), air deprivation, radiation, dehydration, and starvation – that would quickly kill most other known forms of life. Tardigrades have survived exposure to outer space.

    You can read this at:

    An Address to the People of Scotland
    On Ecclesiastical and Civil Liberty (1782) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    This Little Pamphlet
    A collection of interesting articles about Scotland by Archibald Campbell (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    The Book of the Club of True Highlanders
    I found a more recent scan of the two volumes which is better than the ones I did many years ago and so thought I'd make them available on the page which I've marked as "A more recent scan of this volume".

    You can get to these at:

    Outlines of Human Life
    Sketched by Hercules Cramond, M. D. in the Thirtieth Year of his Age and exemplified by some genuine and well-attested Memoirs of the Author and his Family (1785) (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    Answer to Nae Luck about the House (1785)
    A Favourite Scots Song (pdf)

    You can read this at:

    A Literary History of Scotland
    By J. H. Millar, B.A., LL.B., Balliol College, Oxford, Lecturer in International Private Law in the University of Edinburgh (1903) (pdf)

    You can read this book at:

    Scottish Society of Indianapolis
    Got in their Summer 2024 newsletter which you can read at:

    Clan Munro of Australia
    Got in their August 2024 newsletter which you can read at:

    Scotland tackling young gaming addiction
    Tam is a typical Scots teenager who fits the category of "Digital Native." With time on his hands or rather at his fingertips, a bright kid good at science and maths who, ideally, is destined to go far attracting a high grade salary and with it personal lifestyle. An article by Bill Magee which you can read at:

    A Century of Scottish History
    From the days before the '45 to those within living memory by Sir Henry Craik, K.C.B., M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. (Glasgow) (1901)

    You can read this book at:

    Scottish Society of Louisville
    Got in their August 2024 newsletter which you can read at:

    Enoch Powell, Speech on Immigration, House of Commons, 10/03/1980
    Taken from his wilderness years as Ulster Unionist Party M. P. for South Down, Mr. Enoch Powell cuts an isolated figure as he debates his views on immigration against a scarcely populated but hostile House of Commons.

    You can watch this at:



    Of the many distinguished men who have been Sheriffs of Ross and Cromarty, and Sutherland, none took a more worthy view of the dignity and the responsibilities of the office than Sneriff C. J. Guthrie. Happy in the circumstances of his appointment—for he owed it to a government to which politically he was opposed—he distinguished his tenure of the post by his keen interest in all that affected the welfare of his Sheriffdom. He was not the mere judge from outside who considers that his duty is done by the bare discharge of his legal and administrative functions.

    Reviving the old practice under which the Scots Sheriff resided for a portion of the year within his territory, he became conversant with its customs and traditions, and was the personal friend of peer and crofter. Thus identifying himself with the interests of his Sheriffdom, he supplied the only thing which was lacking at the date of his appointment to make him an ideal Sheriff.

    The Celtic thus honours itself in presenting to its readers a permanent memorial of one of the best Sheriffs the Highlands ever had. In the Scottish annals he may live as Lord Guthrie, the judge of the Court of Session; in the Highlands he will be remembered as the Sheriff who understood Highlanders as one of ourselves, who respected our ways, and paid homage to our traditions.

    Charles John Guthrie was born in Edinburgh in 1849. To have as his father, Dr. Thomas Guthrie, the genial, pawky, big-hearted, impulsive, eloquent apostle of Christian commonsense, was to start the world with a big handicap over his contemporaries. That inheritance carried with it something from James Guthrie, the Martyr, “the short man that could not bow,” as well as traits of Angus farmer forebears. Through his mother came to him the clerical and covenanting traditions of the Chalmers, the Burns, and the Trail families—families which wrote their names on the history of a wider area than their native Aberdeenshire or Angus.

    An alumnus of the Royal High School and the University of Edinburgh, he studied law in London as well, and men and manners in the course of a tour on the North American Continent. On his call to the Scottish bar in 1875, his abilities secured him immediate employment, and twenty years of busy junior practice led to twelve more of arduous work as a Senior Counsel. No pleader more readily secured the ear of the bench, and his appointment in January 1907 to succeed Lord Kyllachy, was hailed with universal satisfaction. His success as a Sheriff is being repeated in the Supreme Court. Popular with the bar and trusted by litigants, he has proved himself an accession of strength to the judicial establishment of our country.

    Shrewd, level-headed, well versed in legal principles and precedents, and the soundest of advisers, he is also a man of wide tastes and large sympathies. A philanthropist, a temperance reformer, an antiquarian, a lover of art and music, a traveller in many lands,—no wonder that he is the most fascinating of companions.

    His father taught him to follow the advice of Izaak Walton—“All that Are lovers of virtue ... be quiet and go a-Angling"; and under the shadow of the Aberdeenshire hills not a few trout have fallen victims to the “Moderator” or the “High Commissioner”—flies of the Doctor’s own making. In later days the Golspie trout discovered that the arm of the Sheriff had not lost its cunning. But Golspie has better reason to remember him for the practical interest he took in its educational establishments,—not least in the Golspie Technical School, a scheme which appealed to him strongly. One of his gifts to it will appeal to all Highlanders—he presented it with a set of bagpipes.

    It would be impossible to tell over everything he did for his Sheriffdom—some things known to the world, many things known only to a few. He took by the hand Sir Hector Macdonald’s young son, believing that one of the best tributes to the father’s memory was to ensure an honourable career to the son. Lord Guthrie has hosts of well-wishers, but none heartier than in his old Sheriffdom.


    Weekend is almost here and hope it's a good one for you.

