Electric Scotland News
I've been updating my March 2025 journal entry documenting what is going on in Canada and due to all the moving parts I've made extensive use of YouTube videos to tell the story. As there are so many stories around I've decided to let you view this instead of just posting it up once it's complete as there are several hours of viewing.
I have tried hard to make this an honest portrayal of what is going on and so have avoided most of the extreme articles such as the MeidasTouch which I highlighted last week as they are very clearly anti-Trump.
For example I've added three videos about Potash which explains why this mineral is so important and is only available from Canada or Belarus in Russia.
Aluminum is another mineral which is hugely dependant on Canada but in this case much is shipped to the USA to be turned into cans and then sent back to Canada to be filled with beer and soft drinks. Coca Cola has said it will focus more on plastic bottles to minimise the cost of the cans. There is a YouTube video about it which I've also added to the page.
I'd just like to make it clear that the USA exports more to Canada than Canada does to the USA excluding energy and minerals which the USA needs. This tariff war with each other is ridiculous but I'm afraid it has in my view permanently damaged relationships between us. Canada can no longer trust America so now needs to spend the money to build up our defense and develop trade with other countries. An example of this is the decision to not purchase American fighter jets and instead buy them from Sweden. It's also spending some billions on installing a new early warning system from Australia.
Also Trump is not telling the truth about drugs coming in from Canada as it's a fact that this accounts for less than 1% of the amount coming into the USA.
His continued reference to Canada as the 51st state is now wearing very thin for Canadians and is why there is so much effort to not purchase American goods or go there for a holiday. I note for example that WestJet is adding more flights to Scotland as they anticipate people that would have gone to America will now be looking for other destinations which of course includes Scotland.
Yes Canada did take advantage of the USA by relying on her to look after our defense but that's now in the past and Canada needs to move forward with new partnerships and build it's own infrastructure which it should have done years ago. And if you were to look back in my journal I've been pointing this out for some time that we need to build pipe lines to export our oil and gas and also needing to spend more on looking after our Arctic territory.
Anyway if you want to follow my journey you can view this months journal entry at:
https://electriccanadian.com/canada_add19.htm which of course I'll be adding to as the month continues.
Been a really good week with warm sunshine most days and have been able to sit outside for a bit. At time of writing this I have a chap in who says that he will complete everything today from the repair of the water leak so guess we'll keep our fingers crossed. I've been told that I'm to get a check in for some $600 as they were unable to source ceiling tiles so just dry walled and painted it instead so much cheaper as a result.
Scottish News from this weeks newspapers
I am partly doing this to build an archive of modern news from and about Scotland and world news stories that can affect Scotland and as all the newsletters are archived and also indexed on search engines it becomes a good resource. I might also add that in a number of newspapers you will find many comments which can be just as interesting as the news story itself and of course you can also add your own comments if you wish which I do myself from time to time.
Here is what caught my eye this week...
Donald Trump's son Eric holds talks with John Swinney
First Minister John Swinney has met US President Donald Trump's son Eric at Bute House in Edinburgh.
Read more at:
Scotland's 'forgotten golfer': From PoW to sporting icon
When Scotsman Bobby Cruickshank was taken prisoner during World War One, he could little have imagined he would later find enduring fame in America as a golfing legend.
Read more at:
Irish neutrality comes under question
It is gob smacking that the Dáil has yet to appoint any committees to scrutinise government in the sort of detail that is particularly necessary at a time in European history when the tectonic plates of international relations are shifting so radically.
Read more at:
There’s more to the Anglosphere than the US
An acronym has been doing the rounds over the last few years: CANZUK. This is the name given to the idea of forming a close partnership between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. While this isn't new, Donald Trump's return to the White House means that formalising this pact is more important than ever.
Read more at:
Bombshell poll shows Reform with highest-ever level of support in Scotland
Nigel Farage's party is in third place in polling north of the border
Read more at:
Welfare reforms: the (unknown) Scottish dimension
Liz Kendall, work & pensions secretary, has won a lot of criticism but a few plaudits for the long-awaited green paper on welfare reform. Here is analysis of the main elements:
Read more at:
Dundee University insolvency a real possibility
A senior Dundee University figure has told MSPs that insolvency is a "real possibility" as the institution attempts to tackle a £35m funding black hole.
Read more at:
Five years on from first Covid lockdown, how prepared is the UK to react to another pandemic?
Five years on from the first Covid lockdown, The Sunday Post asks how prepared we really are for the next pandemic.
Read more at:
Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell appears in court charged with SNP embezzlement
The former SNP chief executive appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday.
Read more at:
Criminal investigation into Nicola Sturgeon dropped
The former first minister of Scotland had been arrested and questioned but released without charge in 2023.
Read more at:
WestJet to increase flight frequency on Edinburgh to Toronto route
An airline has underlined its commitment to Scotland by bolstering a key route for the summer. WestJet is to increase the frequency of flights on its route between Toronto and Edinburgh.
Read more at:
Who is to blame for latest ferry farce? Look no further than the SNP
Let’s clear up one point. It was well within the powers of Scottish Government ministers to ensure the Ferguson yard secured the Small Vessels Replacement Programme order in whole or part, instead of spectating while its procurement quango sent £175 million to Gdansk.
Read more at:
A memorial fit for a Queen
If something is built in memory of Queen Elizabeth, it must be superlative
Read more at:
Interview with Elon Musk
Talking about his Space X activities.
View this at:
Electric Canadian
Understanding Ukrainians: Realities, Disinformation and Allyship
Jointly authored by M. Larkin and S. Markova (2025)
You can read this at:
Forest & Outdoors
A Canadian magazine published by the Canadian Forestry Association, featuring articles and illustrations about forestry and outdoor activities.
You can read this at:
Canada: Bella Coola Highway
A documentary video which I've added to the foot of our BC page.
You can view this at:
The Church and The Commonwealth
Discussions and Orations on Questions of the Day, Practical, Biographical, Educational and Doctrinakl written during a twenty year ministry by The Rev. wm. Cochrane, D.D., Brantford, Ontario (1887) (pdf)
You can read this at:
Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art
Added Volume III (1854-55) (pdf)
You can read this volume at:
The Anglo-American Magazine
Added Volume 7 September 1855
You can read this volume at:
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 16th day of March 2024 - Changes
By The Rev. Nola Crewe
You can view this at:
The Beaver Magazine
Added Volume 4 No. 9 (pdf)
You can view this at:
Electric Scotland
The Royal Restaurant
10-12 West Nile Street, Glasgow (pdf)
You can read about it at:
The Highland Clearances
By John Prebble (1963) (pdf)
You can read this book at:
The History and Martial Achievements of the Robertson's of Strowan
As it is selected from the works of the best historians, that have written of the Origin and Valiant Achievements, of this Honourable family, and their descendants and their Poems on various subjects and occasions by the Honourable Alexander Robertson of Strowan, Esq. (1755) (pdf)
An old text where the letter s is written as an f and you can read this at:
Poet Chief of Clan Donnachaidh
Some history of him (pdf)
You can read about him at:
The old parish church of Cromarty
A history of the church by David Alston (2005) (pdf)
You can read about it at:
Stuart McFarlane
Got up another poem from him entitled "My dad; he liked a whisky".
You can read this at:
Added a video of Cromarty to the bottom of our page about the town.
You can watch it at:
The Cave of Morar
The Man of Sorrows, a Legendary Tale in two parts (The Second Edition with Alterations and Corrections) (1755) (pdf)
Another old text which you can read at:
The History of the Province of Moray
By The Rev. Lachlan Shaw, New edition brought down to the year 1826 (pdf)
You can read this book at:
Answers for James Earl of Moray
To the Petition of William Mure of Caldwall, Esq; one of the Barons of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and of Thomas Kennedy, Son and Heir of the deceased Francis Kennedy of Dunure, and his Tutors and Curators July 2, 1767 (pdf)
Another old text which you can read at:
The Advantages of an Alliance with the Great Mogul
By John Morrison, General and Commander in Chief of the Great Mogul's Forces (1774) (pdf)
Yet another old text which you can read at:
Memoirs of The Life and Doctrines of the Late John Hunter, Esq.
Founder of the Hunterian Museum, at the Royal College of Surgeons in London by Dr. Joseph Adams (1817) (pdf)
You can read about him at:
Sociability and Newtonianism in Scotland
An article by Derya Tarbuck (2021) (pdf)
You can read this article at:
Government and Social Conditions in Scotland 1845-1919
Edited by Ian Levitt, Ph. d (1988) (pdf)
You can read this at:
Films by Arthur Barr
Some old short color movies of olden days in America
You can watch these at:
Retro Retail Therapy a Hit with Scots Gen Z Consumers
"Yesterday's" Adverts Catch the Eye more than Social Media. An article by Bill Magee (pdf)
You can read this article at:
Latin America
Some information on Scots in Latin America
You can read this at:
Bobby Cruickshank
Famous Scottish Golfer in America
You can read about him at:
The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries Volume VII (1892)
This volume is missing the first few pages but does contain some 594 pages of interesting information and have taken just one story from it which is detailed below. There is much genealogical information on many Scottish names as well.
309. Notes from Dunblane Session Records, from 1659 to 1715.
In the year 1659, in their reforming zeal, the Session of Dunblane prohibited the holding of ‘mercats’ in the churchyard. The edict of prohibition bears date 5th May 1659, and reads as follows: ‘This day it is enacted be the Session that no mercat either at Whitsunday, Lawemice, or Halloaday, be any more keepit in ye kirkyeard of Dunblaine, and ye kirkyeard to be built with all expedition.’
These ‘mercats’ or fairs continued to be institutions in the streets of Dunblane up till seventy years ago. People are still living who remember them. There were latterly, at least, four fairs held every year, of which the principal one was held on the roth of August, and was called the ‘Grozet Fair.’ At these fairs the cattle-market was always in a bowlshaped piece of ground called the which was situated at the top of the Braeport; peripatetic vendors of soft goods, and ‘sweetie’ stands occupied the Cross; shoemakers, who came from all parts of the country, had a station allotted to them at the foot of Kirk Street; the salters stationed themselves below the site of the present jail; and horses were bought and sold in what is now called the New Road.
In addition to the building of the churchyard dykes, the Session find it necessary to order certain repairs on the church. For some years preceding 1667, *Dnk. Edward kept the glasen windowes of the kirk of Dunblane winde and water-tight ’ for ‘ the sowme of twenty merks Scotis per annum. In 1670 ‘sixtene bolles of lime’ are ordered to be procured for repairing the church, which lime the inhabitants of the four quarters of the parish are to cart to the church. In 1673 treasurer is ‘ordained to cause repair the breach in the back of ye kirk.’ In 1693 two windows are ordered to be made on the south side of the church under the following edict: ‘September 25, 1693. In regard ye kirk is very dark in ye winter tyme, the Session appoynts two windowes to be strucken out in ye south syde of ye kirk, one on each syde of ye pulpit that ye people may the better see to read.’
But these windows do not seem to have made things very much better, for on October 30, 1749, the elders come to a resolution regarding them:—
‘The Session, considering that the windows on each side of the pulpit are now failing, and, besides, being put in with lead and having wire frames on the outside, give little light, especially in the winter time, do unanimously agree to have the same sashd, and appoint Alex. White, wright, one of their number, to excute this as soon as possible.’
In 1710 it was found that the collecting elders who stood at the east door of the church suffered much in the winter-time from the inclemency of the weather, and to remedy the inconvenience, and to obviate the risk to which they were exposed, the Session ordered a porch to be built.
22d November 1710. They appoint their thesaurer to cause build a porch over the east door of the church for the elders’ accommodation, who collect for the poor.’
This porch, in course of tiny, must have become useless, or an eyesore from decay, if it had not been knocked down in the troublous times of the ’15 or ’45, for, in 1747, Alex. White, wright, in Dunblane, ‘gave in his accompt for erecting a new porch at the east church door, amounting in all, for materials and workmanship, to 36l, 17 sh. 6d. Scots.’ Six years after the erection of this new porch, the Session concluded to have ‘a shade built at the west great door of the church for ye collectors to screen them in winter.’
The school of Dunblane in the chapter-house of the cathedral is, in 1693, provided with glass in the windows, for the reason that ‘the children could not sit yrin for cold.’ For glassing the schoolhouse and the 2 new windows in the south side of the kirk,’ John Don, glasser, is paid 26 lib. 2 sh. Scots, on the 28th day of November.
Among other improvements which were carried out about this time, in and about the church, may be mentioned the taking down and building up again ye gate at the kirk style;’ the putting up of a dask for the schoolmaster in the school; the providing of a bar for the church door; ‘a lock and a key to ye great door of the kirk, and a snek to ye little door’; a lock and a key to the latron; the obtaining ‘ a skin to buff the pulpit,’ which cost 8 shillings Scots; the repair of the east and west lofts in 1698, which was to be paid out of some expected vacant stipend; and locks to the doors of the elders’ seats.
Not only do the elders show anxiety to improve the fabric and appearance of the church, they also show a laudable desire to have reforms in church affairs generally. Between the years 1693 and 1702, they ordained that ‘one of the elders shall gather the collection at marriages, and that Wm Wright, ye kirk officer, is to meddle w‘ it no more ’; that ‘ the bell shall be rung att six of ye clock on ye Sabbath morning to wake and raise ye people.’ On February 24, 1695, they ordain that two beadles shall be appointed instead of one, so reverting to the ancient order of things; that the poor people who are to receive money shall come before the Session and be exhorted to be religious; that 'each person standing on ye pillory shall pay to the beddal 8 sh. Scots.’ In 1697 they request Lord Aberuchill to bring before ‘the Lords of the Commissione for the Plantation of kirks, the condition of the minister’s stipend and schoolmaster’s salary.’ In 1698 it is ordained that ‘ parties who give up their names to be proclaimed for marriage compeir before the Session, and y‘ in the minr’* absence they come with two elders to the clerk of the Session, that their relatione and consent of parents may be enquired into,’ and in 1700 it is further enacted that * no pauns for dolory ’ will be taken from those who are to be proclaimed in order to marriage or for the mort cloth.’ Sabbath burials are to be abstained from as much as possible, especially by people in the landward part of the parish, ‘ because much of the time of divine service is past before they come to the churchyard. The Session decide that ‘ tryall ’ is to be made ‘for a sure hand to borrow the poors’ money.’ And in 1702, May 5th, ‘the thesaurer reports that he had caused make a tent as he was appointed, the materials and workmanship yrof comes to ten pound, 10 sh. 4 pennies.’ And on Nov. 23d, 1701, there is found a new work for the kirk officer. It is recorded that ‘This day the Session considering y‘ the hirds and young boys do make trouble and disturbance in the church, especially in the lofts even in time of worship, they appoint yr thesaurer to cause make a whipe with a long handle having several rings, quch yr officer is to make use of in deterring and restraining the forsaid hirds and boys from making any such disturbance in time coming.’ On Feb. 1, 1702, the ‘ whipe’ is reported as having been made and placed in the hands of the officer.
The expenses at burials are noted and arranged so far as the Session have power in the matter. In 1697 it is ordained that ‘whoever has the bell rung at yr burial they pay 2 sh. sterling for the use of the poor.’ The price of coffins for the poor is set down at 2, 8s. Scots each coffin. On June 5, the beadle’s dues at burials are fixed as follows: ‘ This day the Session, taking into consideration their beddal’s dues for making a grave to a person at man’s length, ringing the hand-bell, and carrying out the spookes, doe appoint him eighteen shillings Scots money, and for making a grave to such person for whom he rings not the said hand-bell fourteen shillings, and for making a grave to a child seven shillings Scots.’
Incidentally the prices of various articles bought by the Session, etc., are set down among the items of expenditure.
In 1693 A Psalm-book cost five shillings, three Catechisms one shilling and sixpence, and a Bible for a boy one pound eight shillings Scots money. In 1694 a girl’s quarter payment for her schooling was 6s. 3d. Scots; a bar to the church door cost 6s. 8d.; a New Testament cost 10s. 6d.; and the quarter payment for schooling in another case amounted to 12s. Scots. A skin to buff the pulpit cost 8s., linen cloths to the Communion tables ten pennies; knitting to the same, seven shillings. Two purses for the use of the Session cost six shillings; two silver cups, each weighing 18 ounces, for the Communion, 144 pounds Scots; two flagons each containing three chopins or yrby eleven pounds two shillings; the carrier’s charge for carrying in the money, the cups, and flagons, and bringing them from Edinburgh, came to half a crown. The keeper of the town clock, in 1702, received for his trouble two pounds five shillings, and a watcher of the tent for two nights’ work was paid twelve shillings. In 1703 a candle to the Presbytery cost the Session three shillings and fourpence; two dozen Bibles for the use of the poor, with carriage from Glasgow, is ,£27, 1s. 6d.; the Presbytery Bursar receives four pounds Scots yearly.
With the year 1715, February 1st, the second volume of the Session Records of Dunblane closes, and the third volume does not begin till 1746; there are thus 30 years’ occurrences omitted altogether. There is certainly a book of Debursements which extends over most of these years, but no detailed record of the work of the Session exists. I examined the book of Debursements to see if by chance there was any reference to the Battle of Sheriffmuir, but found no reference whatever. The amounts of the church collections about the date of the battle were not entered, and I concluded that the church had been shut for a short period. There are a few references to the Rebellion of the ’45 in the third volume of Session Records. One of the collecting plates had been stolen in the confusion occasioned by the rebels, and another is obtained, the cost not being stated. Robert Kelly, who held land owned by the Session, gets a pound of his rent discounted for loss occasioned by the rebels, his rent being twenty-one pounds Scots. And on Sabbath, June 15th, 1746, it is noted that 4 the Minr read from the pulpit with suitable exortations the late General Assembly’s Act for observing a day of Thanksgiving on Thursday next, for our remarkably great and gracious deliverance from that wicked and unnatural Rebellion by the success it has pleased Almighty God to grant to His Majesty’s arms in the north under the conduct of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Cumberland.’
J. G. Christie, B.D.
You can read the whole volume at:
Weekend is almost here and hope it's a good one for you.
I've been updating my March 2025 journal entry documenting what is going on in Canada and due to all the moving parts I've made extensive use of YouTube videos to tell the story. As there are so many stories around I've decided to let you view this instead of just posting it up once it's complete as there are several hours of viewing.
I have tried hard to make this an honest portrayal of what is going on and so have avoided most of the extreme articles such as the MeidasTouch which I highlighted last week as they are very clearly anti-Trump.
For example I've added three videos about Potash which explains why this mineral is so important and is only available from Canada or Belarus in Russia.
Aluminum is another mineral which is hugely dependant on Canada but in this case much is shipped to the USA to be turned into cans and then sent back to Canada to be filled with beer and soft drinks. Coca Cola has said it will focus more on plastic bottles to minimise the cost of the cans. There is a YouTube video about it which I've also added to the page.
I'd just like to make it clear that the USA exports more to Canada than Canada does to the USA excluding energy and minerals which the USA needs. This tariff war with each other is ridiculous but I'm afraid it has in my view permanently damaged relationships between us. Canada can no longer trust America so now needs to spend the money to build up our defense and develop trade with other countries. An example of this is the decision to not purchase American fighter jets and instead buy them from Sweden. It's also spending some billions on installing a new early warning system from Australia.
Also Trump is not telling the truth about drugs coming in from Canada as it's a fact that this accounts for less than 1% of the amount coming into the USA.
His continued reference to Canada as the 51st state is now wearing very thin for Canadians and is why there is so much effort to not purchase American goods or go there for a holiday. I note for example that WestJet is adding more flights to Scotland as they anticipate people that would have gone to America will now be looking for other destinations which of course includes Scotland.
Yes Canada did take advantage of the USA by relying on her to look after our defense but that's now in the past and Canada needs to move forward with new partnerships and build it's own infrastructure which it should have done years ago. And if you were to look back in my journal I've been pointing this out for some time that we need to build pipe lines to export our oil and gas and also needing to spend more on looking after our Arctic territory.
Anyway if you want to follow my journey you can view this months journal entry at:
https://electriccanadian.com/canada_add19.htm which of course I'll be adding to as the month continues.
Been a really good week with warm sunshine most days and have been able to sit outside for a bit. At time of writing this I have a chap in who says that he will complete everything today from the repair of the water leak so guess we'll keep our fingers crossed. I've been told that I'm to get a check in for some $600 as they were unable to source ceiling tiles so just dry walled and painted it instead so much cheaper as a result.
Scottish News from this weeks newspapers
I am partly doing this to build an archive of modern news from and about Scotland and world news stories that can affect Scotland and as all the newsletters are archived and also indexed on search engines it becomes a good resource. I might also add that in a number of newspapers you will find many comments which can be just as interesting as the news story itself and of course you can also add your own comments if you wish which I do myself from time to time.
Here is what caught my eye this week...
Donald Trump's son Eric holds talks with John Swinney
First Minister John Swinney has met US President Donald Trump's son Eric at Bute House in Edinburgh.
Read more at:
Scotland's 'forgotten golfer': From PoW to sporting icon
When Scotsman Bobby Cruickshank was taken prisoner during World War One, he could little have imagined he would later find enduring fame in America as a golfing legend.
Read more at:
Irish neutrality comes under question
It is gob smacking that the Dáil has yet to appoint any committees to scrutinise government in the sort of detail that is particularly necessary at a time in European history when the tectonic plates of international relations are shifting so radically.
Read more at:
There’s more to the Anglosphere than the US
An acronym has been doing the rounds over the last few years: CANZUK. This is the name given to the idea of forming a close partnership between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK. While this isn't new, Donald Trump's return to the White House means that formalising this pact is more important than ever.
Read more at:
Bombshell poll shows Reform with highest-ever level of support in Scotland
Nigel Farage's party is in third place in polling north of the border
Read more at:
Welfare reforms: the (unknown) Scottish dimension
Liz Kendall, work & pensions secretary, has won a lot of criticism but a few plaudits for the long-awaited green paper on welfare reform. Here is analysis of the main elements:
Read more at:
Dundee University insolvency a real possibility
A senior Dundee University figure has told MSPs that insolvency is a "real possibility" as the institution attempts to tackle a £35m funding black hole.
Read more at:
Five years on from first Covid lockdown, how prepared is the UK to react to another pandemic?
Five years on from the first Covid lockdown, The Sunday Post asks how prepared we really are for the next pandemic.
Read more at:
Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell appears in court charged with SNP embezzlement
The former SNP chief executive appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday.
Read more at:
Criminal investigation into Nicola Sturgeon dropped
The former first minister of Scotland had been arrested and questioned but released without charge in 2023.
Read more at:
WestJet to increase flight frequency on Edinburgh to Toronto route
An airline has underlined its commitment to Scotland by bolstering a key route for the summer. WestJet is to increase the frequency of flights on its route between Toronto and Edinburgh.
Read more at:
Who is to blame for latest ferry farce? Look no further than the SNP
Let’s clear up one point. It was well within the powers of Scottish Government ministers to ensure the Ferguson yard secured the Small Vessels Replacement Programme order in whole or part, instead of spectating while its procurement quango sent £175 million to Gdansk.
Read more at:
A memorial fit for a Queen
If something is built in memory of Queen Elizabeth, it must be superlative
Read more at:
Interview with Elon Musk
Talking about his Space X activities.
View this at:
Electric Canadian
Understanding Ukrainians: Realities, Disinformation and Allyship
Jointly authored by M. Larkin and S. Markova (2025)
You can read this at:
Forest & Outdoors
A Canadian magazine published by the Canadian Forestry Association, featuring articles and illustrations about forestry and outdoor activities.
You can read this at:
Canada: Bella Coola Highway
A documentary video which I've added to the foot of our BC page.
You can view this at:
The Church and The Commonwealth
Discussions and Orations on Questions of the Day, Practical, Biographical, Educational and Doctrinakl written during a twenty year ministry by The Rev. wm. Cochrane, D.D., Brantford, Ontario (1887) (pdf)
You can read this at:
Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art
Added Volume III (1854-55) (pdf)
You can read this volume at:
The Anglo-American Magazine
Added Volume 7 September 1855
You can read this volume at:
Thoughts on a Sunday Morning - the 16th day of March 2024 - Changes
By The Rev. Nola Crewe
You can view this at:
The Beaver Magazine
Added Volume 4 No. 9 (pdf)
You can view this at:
Electric Scotland
The Royal Restaurant
10-12 West Nile Street, Glasgow (pdf)
You can read about it at:
The Highland Clearances
By John Prebble (1963) (pdf)
You can read this book at:
The History and Martial Achievements of the Robertson's of Strowan
As it is selected from the works of the best historians, that have written of the Origin and Valiant Achievements, of this Honourable family, and their descendants and their Poems on various subjects and occasions by the Honourable Alexander Robertson of Strowan, Esq. (1755) (pdf)
An old text where the letter s is written as an f and you can read this at:
Poet Chief of Clan Donnachaidh
Some history of him (pdf)
You can read about him at:
The old parish church of Cromarty
A history of the church by David Alston (2005) (pdf)
You can read about it at:
Stuart McFarlane
Got up another poem from him entitled "My dad; he liked a whisky".
You can read this at:
Added a video of Cromarty to the bottom of our page about the town.
You can watch it at:
The Cave of Morar
The Man of Sorrows, a Legendary Tale in two parts (The Second Edition with Alterations and Corrections) (1755) (pdf)
Another old text which you can read at:
The History of the Province of Moray
By The Rev. Lachlan Shaw, New edition brought down to the year 1826 (pdf)
You can read this book at:
Answers for James Earl of Moray
To the Petition of William Mure of Caldwall, Esq; one of the Barons of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer in Scotland, and of Thomas Kennedy, Son and Heir of the deceased Francis Kennedy of Dunure, and his Tutors and Curators July 2, 1767 (pdf)
Another old text which you can read at:
The Advantages of an Alliance with the Great Mogul
By John Morrison, General and Commander in Chief of the Great Mogul's Forces (1774) (pdf)
Yet another old text which you can read at:
Memoirs of The Life and Doctrines of the Late John Hunter, Esq.
Founder of the Hunterian Museum, at the Royal College of Surgeons in London by Dr. Joseph Adams (1817) (pdf)
You can read about him at:
Sociability and Newtonianism in Scotland
An article by Derya Tarbuck (2021) (pdf)
You can read this article at:
Government and Social Conditions in Scotland 1845-1919
Edited by Ian Levitt, Ph. d (1988) (pdf)
You can read this at:
Films by Arthur Barr
Some old short color movies of olden days in America
You can watch these at:
Retro Retail Therapy a Hit with Scots Gen Z Consumers
"Yesterday's" Adverts Catch the Eye more than Social Media. An article by Bill Magee (pdf)
You can read this article at:
Latin America
Some information on Scots in Latin America
You can read this at:
Bobby Cruickshank
Famous Scottish Golfer in America
You can read about him at:
The Scottish Antiquary or Northern Notes and Queries Volume VII (1892)
This volume is missing the first few pages but does contain some 594 pages of interesting information and have taken just one story from it which is detailed below. There is much genealogical information on many Scottish names as well.
309. Notes from Dunblane Session Records, from 1659 to 1715.
In the year 1659, in their reforming zeal, the Session of Dunblane prohibited the holding of ‘mercats’ in the churchyard. The edict of prohibition bears date 5th May 1659, and reads as follows: ‘This day it is enacted be the Session that no mercat either at Whitsunday, Lawemice, or Halloaday, be any more keepit in ye kirkyeard of Dunblaine, and ye kirkyeard to be built with all expedition.’
These ‘mercats’ or fairs continued to be institutions in the streets of Dunblane up till seventy years ago. People are still living who remember them. There were latterly, at least, four fairs held every year, of which the principal one was held on the roth of August, and was called the ‘Grozet Fair.’ At these fairs the cattle-market was always in a bowlshaped piece of ground called the which was situated at the top of the Braeport; peripatetic vendors of soft goods, and ‘sweetie’ stands occupied the Cross; shoemakers, who came from all parts of the country, had a station allotted to them at the foot of Kirk Street; the salters stationed themselves below the site of the present jail; and horses were bought and sold in what is now called the New Road.
In addition to the building of the churchyard dykes, the Session find it necessary to order certain repairs on the church. For some years preceding 1667, *Dnk. Edward kept the glasen windowes of the kirk of Dunblane winde and water-tight ’ for ‘ the sowme of twenty merks Scotis per annum. In 1670 ‘sixtene bolles of lime’ are ordered to be procured for repairing the church, which lime the inhabitants of the four quarters of the parish are to cart to the church. In 1673 treasurer is ‘ordained to cause repair the breach in the back of ye kirk.’ In 1693 two windows are ordered to be made on the south side of the church under the following edict: ‘September 25, 1693. In regard ye kirk is very dark in ye winter tyme, the Session appoynts two windowes to be strucken out in ye south syde of ye kirk, one on each syde of ye pulpit that ye people may the better see to read.’
But these windows do not seem to have made things very much better, for on October 30, 1749, the elders come to a resolution regarding them:—
‘The Session, considering that the windows on each side of the pulpit are now failing, and, besides, being put in with lead and having wire frames on the outside, give little light, especially in the winter time, do unanimously agree to have the same sashd, and appoint Alex. White, wright, one of their number, to excute this as soon as possible.’
In 1710 it was found that the collecting elders who stood at the east door of the church suffered much in the winter-time from the inclemency of the weather, and to remedy the inconvenience, and to obviate the risk to which they were exposed, the Session ordered a porch to be built.
22d November 1710. They appoint their thesaurer to cause build a porch over the east door of the church for the elders’ accommodation, who collect for the poor.’
This porch, in course of tiny, must have become useless, or an eyesore from decay, if it had not been knocked down in the troublous times of the ’15 or ’45, for, in 1747, Alex. White, wright, in Dunblane, ‘gave in his accompt for erecting a new porch at the east church door, amounting in all, for materials and workmanship, to 36l, 17 sh. 6d. Scots.’ Six years after the erection of this new porch, the Session concluded to have ‘a shade built at the west great door of the church for ye collectors to screen them in winter.’
The school of Dunblane in the chapter-house of the cathedral is, in 1693, provided with glass in the windows, for the reason that ‘the children could not sit yrin for cold.’ For glassing the schoolhouse and the 2 new windows in the south side of the kirk,’ John Don, glasser, is paid 26 lib. 2 sh. Scots, on the 28th day of November.
Among other improvements which were carried out about this time, in and about the church, may be mentioned the taking down and building up again ye gate at the kirk style;’ the putting up of a dask for the schoolmaster in the school; the providing of a bar for the church door; ‘a lock and a key to ye great door of the kirk, and a snek to ye little door’; a lock and a key to the latron; the obtaining ‘ a skin to buff the pulpit,’ which cost 8 shillings Scots; the repair of the east and west lofts in 1698, which was to be paid out of some expected vacant stipend; and locks to the doors of the elders’ seats.
Not only do the elders show anxiety to improve the fabric and appearance of the church, they also show a laudable desire to have reforms in church affairs generally. Between the years 1693 and 1702, they ordained that ‘one of the elders shall gather the collection at marriages, and that Wm Wright, ye kirk officer, is to meddle w‘ it no more ’; that ‘ the bell shall be rung att six of ye clock on ye Sabbath morning to wake and raise ye people.’ On February 24, 1695, they ordain that two beadles shall be appointed instead of one, so reverting to the ancient order of things; that the poor people who are to receive money shall come before the Session and be exhorted to be religious; that 'each person standing on ye pillory shall pay to the beddal 8 sh. Scots.’ In 1697 they request Lord Aberuchill to bring before ‘the Lords of the Commissione for the Plantation of kirks, the condition of the minister’s stipend and schoolmaster’s salary.’ In 1698 it is ordained that ‘ parties who give up their names to be proclaimed for marriage compeir before the Session, and y‘ in the minr’* absence they come with two elders to the clerk of the Session, that their relatione and consent of parents may be enquired into,’ and in 1700 it is further enacted that * no pauns for dolory ’ will be taken from those who are to be proclaimed in order to marriage or for the mort cloth.’ Sabbath burials are to be abstained from as much as possible, especially by people in the landward part of the parish, ‘ because much of the time of divine service is past before they come to the churchyard. The Session decide that ‘ tryall ’ is to be made ‘for a sure hand to borrow the poors’ money.’ And in 1702, May 5th, ‘the thesaurer reports that he had caused make a tent as he was appointed, the materials and workmanship yrof comes to ten pound, 10 sh. 4 pennies.’ And on Nov. 23d, 1701, there is found a new work for the kirk officer. It is recorded that ‘This day the Session considering y‘ the hirds and young boys do make trouble and disturbance in the church, especially in the lofts even in time of worship, they appoint yr thesaurer to cause make a whipe with a long handle having several rings, quch yr officer is to make use of in deterring and restraining the forsaid hirds and boys from making any such disturbance in time coming.’ On Feb. 1, 1702, the ‘ whipe’ is reported as having been made and placed in the hands of the officer.
The expenses at burials are noted and arranged so far as the Session have power in the matter. In 1697 it is ordained that ‘whoever has the bell rung at yr burial they pay 2 sh. sterling for the use of the poor.’ The price of coffins for the poor is set down at 2, 8s. Scots each coffin. On June 5, the beadle’s dues at burials are fixed as follows: ‘ This day the Session, taking into consideration their beddal’s dues for making a grave to a person at man’s length, ringing the hand-bell, and carrying out the spookes, doe appoint him eighteen shillings Scots money, and for making a grave to such person for whom he rings not the said hand-bell fourteen shillings, and for making a grave to a child seven shillings Scots.’
Incidentally the prices of various articles bought by the Session, etc., are set down among the items of expenditure.
In 1693 A Psalm-book cost five shillings, three Catechisms one shilling and sixpence, and a Bible for a boy one pound eight shillings Scots money. In 1694 a girl’s quarter payment for her schooling was 6s. 3d. Scots; a bar to the church door cost 6s. 8d.; a New Testament cost 10s. 6d.; and the quarter payment for schooling in another case amounted to 12s. Scots. A skin to buff the pulpit cost 8s., linen cloths to the Communion tables ten pennies; knitting to the same, seven shillings. Two purses for the use of the Session cost six shillings; two silver cups, each weighing 18 ounces, for the Communion, 144 pounds Scots; two flagons each containing three chopins or yrby eleven pounds two shillings; the carrier’s charge for carrying in the money, the cups, and flagons, and bringing them from Edinburgh, came to half a crown. The keeper of the town clock, in 1702, received for his trouble two pounds five shillings, and a watcher of the tent for two nights’ work was paid twelve shillings. In 1703 a candle to the Presbytery cost the Session three shillings and fourpence; two dozen Bibles for the use of the poor, with carriage from Glasgow, is ,£27, 1s. 6d.; the Presbytery Bursar receives four pounds Scots yearly.
With the year 1715, February 1st, the second volume of the Session Records of Dunblane closes, and the third volume does not begin till 1746; there are thus 30 years’ occurrences omitted altogether. There is certainly a book of Debursements which extends over most of these years, but no detailed record of the work of the Session exists. I examined the book of Debursements to see if by chance there was any reference to the Battle of Sheriffmuir, but found no reference whatever. The amounts of the church collections about the date of the battle were not entered, and I concluded that the church had been shut for a short period. There are a few references to the Rebellion of the ’45 in the third volume of Session Records. One of the collecting plates had been stolen in the confusion occasioned by the rebels, and another is obtained, the cost not being stated. Robert Kelly, who held land owned by the Session, gets a pound of his rent discounted for loss occasioned by the rebels, his rent being twenty-one pounds Scots. And on Sabbath, June 15th, 1746, it is noted that 4 the Minr read from the pulpit with suitable exortations the late General Assembly’s Act for observing a day of Thanksgiving on Thursday next, for our remarkably great and gracious deliverance from that wicked and unnatural Rebellion by the success it has pleased Almighty God to grant to His Majesty’s arms in the north under the conduct of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Cumberland.’
J. G. Christie, B.D.
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