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The Scot in Ulster

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  • The Scot in Ulster

    John Henderson found me an old book about Scots in Ulster. The Preface says...

    These sketches of the history of the Scottish settlers in Ulster were published in the columns of the 'Scotsman' during this spring. They have been recast, and are now published in a permanent form, as I think they may interest some who care to examine the Irish question for themselves. Their English and Scottish origin seems to me to give to the men of Ulster an inalienable right to protest, as far as they are concerned, against the policy of Separation from Great Britain to which the Irish, —with the genius for nicknames which they possess —at present give the name of Home Rule.

    My thanks are due to many friends in Ulster and at home for kind assistance; and more especially to Professor Masson for allowing me to have access to those sheets of the ninth volume of the ' Privy Council Records of Scotland,' now in the press, which bear on the Scottish share in the settlement of 1610.

    I've added this to our page on the History of Ulster towards the bottom of the page which you can to at