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Chronicles of Gretna Green

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  • Chronicles of Gretna Green

    By Peter Orlando Hutchinson (1844)


    The following Work must not be mistaken for a fiction: it is not a fiction, it is a history. If we have not everywhere preserved the sedate and plodding doggedness of the grave historian, this will nothing invalidate our veracity; for we believe we may confidently say, that we have not brought forward any fact, professedly as such, without having had good authority for so doing. Our materials and our anecdotes were collected in the parish of Gretna Green itself, and that, too, from such sources as may be held worthy of credit. That portion of the Work most pleasurable to the general taste, will, perhaps, be the Second Volume, or the portion which comes down nearer to the present day; but if there are any persons living who have visited the Hymeneal shrine of Gretna, (which no doubt there are,) we hope they will not feel offended at anything these pages contain. Our purpose has not been to annoy any one, but only to write a history.

    A word for the illustrations. The survey for the Map was made before our own eyes; and though not trigonometrically done, we believe it to be tolerably accurate. The views are engraved from sketches made by us on the spot, and their fidelity may be relied on.

    London, December 1843.

    As many of you will know Gretna Green is a famous place where many young couples in England went to get married. At the time you could get married leagally in Scotland at an earlier age than you could in England and hence its fame.

    This publication is in two volumes and we'll bring you both in the days ahead. I have since found a copy of this publication in pdf format so at the end of each volume I'll add a link to the pdf version. Part of the reason for doing this is that my eyesight isn't as good as it was so this way if you have issues with any of the spelling you'll be able to refer to the pdf version.

    You can read this book at
