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Northern Notes and Queries

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  • Northern Notes and Queries

    This is a pdf publication which John Henderson is doing for us. I must say that publications like this are very valuable both for historians and genealogists. For example in reading volume 1 issue 4 I noted mention of a publication about the name of Fleming. In a recent book we've been working on there are 5 chapters devoted to the House of Fleming and so finding a mention of this book for anyone interested in the name could be a gold mine for them.

    Currently each issue is only 16 pages although I note they say they're looking to make this 24 pages with the second volume.

    It's in these types of publications that I often find reference to a particular topic that tweaks my interest and so I go hunting for more information and often this ends up going onto the site.

    It doesn't actually take much time to scan through these issues and I'd highly recommend you have a wee read each week as John sends them in. You can get to the first 4 issues at


  • #2
    Re: Northern Notes and Queries

    I might add that it was in this publication that I first noted the work "Collection of epitaphs and monumental inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland" (1834). I have made this work available as a pdf file in our Books section for those that might be interested in browsing through it. You can get to it at

    This is really just to illustrate what you can find in such books.



    • #3
      Re: Northern Notes and Queries

      Alastair, thanks for the link. However, unlike other pdf's I am not able to do a search of the d/led file, or even an advanced search.

      Does the search work for you?



      • #4
        Re: Northern Notes and Queries

        I didn't try to search it Ranald as it was only 16 pages so I just scrolled through it. Should you have the full version of Adobe there is an option to ocr the file which would make it searchable.



        • #5
          Re: Northern Notes and Queries

          Alastair, I have Ver 10.1.2 with search api of dated 03/-1/2012.

          In some of the files it is working, but not always with the Advanced Search.

          I am very much of a novice with Adobe, so will 'play' around and see what I can learn.



          • #6
            Re: Northern Notes and Queries

            When you create a pdf file you have the option to include ocr'ing when creating it but not all pdf files have implemeted this option Ranald. So it's not your fault or the program but rather just the way the pdf file was created.



            • #7
              Re: Northern Notes and Queries

              I was reading an article in this weeks issue and in it I read...

              60. Milk in Old Times.—It is remarkable that milk is not mentioned in old documents as a beverage. We have never met with any explanation for this. It can scarcely be that no use was made of it, or that it was so plentiful that it was, like water, regarded as not worthy of mention. The fact, however, remains. We have some acquaintance with the domestic habits of I.ondoners, as shown by old diaries and account-books, yet we have never met with any mention of milk-selling as a trade, or milk-consumption as a recognised habit of the people in any class of life, and the same is the case with old Scottish documents.—Editor.

              And when I did a search for "milk" on my site there were really only a couple of wee references. Plenty of course within the recipe section of the site but only those two very brief references in the histories.

              It's things like this that have made me try to get people in a community engaged so we can learn about their lives. I wonder if there will be any referenes made in new historical documents about Irn Bru?



              • #8
                Re: Northern Notes and Queries

                Anoher wee gem I found was that it appears the ship May Flower, that took the pilgrtim fathers to America, was built in Scotland.


