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The True Makers of Canada

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  • The True Makers of Canada

    The Narrative of Gordon Sellar who emigrated to Canada in 1825.

    I really enjoyed this book and in fact read it all at one sitting and I have to say I'm not that good at reading entire books online.

    The initial part takes you through him as a wee boy when his mother died in Glasgow and then his efforts to find his dead fathers family which ended up by him being taken in by a family where the mother had been childhood friends of his own mother.

    The book goes on to show how his new family hit hard time by being turned of their land and so they decide to emigrate to Canada and the tale goes onto telling how they got there and found the land to settle on.

    The second part of the book then goes into great details on the first two years of settling onto their farm and all the things the pioneers have to go through.

    As I say I really enjoyed reading this book and hope you will have the time to read it and enjoy it as much as i did.

    You can get to the book at
