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  • Cellardyke

    Some time ago I spent a couple of months in the East Neuk of Fife and took the opportunity to visit Cellardyke. I also found a book about the area in a local book shop and the owner kindly lent it to me and I then published it onto the site.

    What I then did was to combine the book with all the pictures I took of the area so not only could you read about all the wee towns and villages but also see pictures of them as they are today.

    Since then we came across the book, "Fisher Life Or, The Memorials of Cellardyke and the Fife Coast" by George Gourlay (1879) and so are now also publishing this book to the site. We're splitting the book into sections of 5 chapters each and providing them in pdf format and we'll add a file each week until complete.

    You can get to all this at