I became a reluctant gardener after moving into my home a year ago. With the encouragement of my neighbour I have a lovely veggie plot and have tomatoes, capsicum, dwarf beans, eggplant, chillies, lettuce, corn, peas, basil, oregano at present.I have a passionfruit vine to plant this week I harvested parsly, spring onions, garlic, baby spinach, chives, & lettuce earlier and have enough to give my family when they visit.
My skills as a gardener have suprised all my family and friends as I never did anything while Bob was alive, he did it all. I still dont like getting my hands dirty so gloves are essential. I do love to sit in the garden and look proudly at the plants growing and know I have managed this lovely sight.
My skills as a gardener have suprised all my family and friends as I never did anything while Bob was alive, he did it all. I still dont like getting my hands dirty so gloves are essential. I do love to sit in the garden and look proudly at the plants growing and know I have managed this lovely sight.