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  • Movie-2012

    I apologise for posting here but did not see a Movie catagorie.

    We watched 2012 this evening after we had our Thanksgiving Dinner.

    How many have watched the movie and what do you think? I know some parts of it was a bit far-fetched but it is based on the theory the world will end in 2012.

    We are getting closer to the date!

  • #2
    Re: Movie-2012

    I am not one for science fiction, as the known facts for the future of this world are known, but thank goodness I will not be alive to see these disasters.

    How did those writers, of the dim and distant past, foretold the future with such accuracy ?

    However, here is a link, for some information on the film.



    • #3
      Re: Movie-2012

      I saw the movie as i like a bit of science fiction,it's all to do with the Mayan calendar finishing in 2012...well maybe the guy who was doing it died and nobody bothered to finish it? However, i see pararells with Y2K..i remember sitting in front of the computer waiting to see if it would disintigrate at didn't! And i doubt if the world will end in 2012...


      • #4
        Re: Movie-2012


        I do enjoy a good Sci-Fi as long as it isn't too ridiculous. I watched a hypothesis on the Mayan civilization on the National Geographic Channel. What the archaeologist proved was simply amazing! He said the reason for the sudden death of the Mayans was due to the drought. He believed that was the reason why the Mayan calender wasn't finished.

        There will be the unusual line up of planets which will occur in the Summer of 2012. I believe it only happens once ever 12,000 years. It will have an impact on mother earth but who knows what the impact will be?


        • #5
          Re: Movie-2012

          Texas will fall off into the Gulf and become one big hysterical Island. !!! The drought I will go along with....


          • #6
            Re: Movie-2012

            Lol! Mom,

            I thought it was California that drops off into the Ocean according to Edgar Casey? His books were powerful! The drought was compared to the great drought of Texas in 51. I believe that is when Daddy's family had to give up the farm?

