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Scottish Wildcats & Kittens, Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig, Scotland

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  • Scottish Wildcats & Kittens, Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig, Scotland

    Here's a fairly new video of this Scottish wildcat family in Kincraig. I was touched by it, in the differences between these wild ones & my own cats! All of us nature-lovers and wildcat-lovers should enjoy this.

  • #2
    Re: Scottish Wildcats & Kittens, Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig, Scotland

    To me there doesn't seem much difference between them and domestic cats. I went to a wildlife park in Scotland once. It was over 40 years ago before I came to Oz and I can't remember where it was but I think it was the first one to open in Scotland. I remember I was there with a boyfriend and we were able to get out the car and walk around until I saw this giraffe heading straight towards me. I didn't know I could run so fast. I made it back to the car in world record time. You've no idea how big giraffe's look when they are only 50 metres away and running towards you :smile::smile:



    • #3
      Re: Scottish Wildcats & Kittens, Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig, Scotland

      Elda, would the wildlife park you visited have been Blair Drummond Safari Park, on the A84 Stirling to Callander road?

      I had to inspect one of the inner gates that had been damaged by a car. The lions were lying in the shade of a tree, and hardly gave me a glance. I had the warden watching every move, but I did not feel comfortable. I had however worked out a plan to shut the gate then make for the next one... !

      After the inspection was complete, the warden told me that one day he was in the land Rover watching the lions, when a lady got out of her car, and walking over to him asked, 'what time are the lions fed'?..... to which the warden said, 'anytime now and you will be first on the menu, get into this vehicle NOW'.

      The first time I visited with the family, I had been warned that the monkeys tended to jump onto the car bonnet, and pull off the screen wipers. I therefore made sure the the screenwash was full of strong antifreeze mixture.

      Yes a rascal jumped onto the bonnet and as it took hold of the wiper I gave the screen wash a good squirt. The monkey looked down as much as to say 'I have just peed' then smelt the antifreeze and promptly jumped off the bonnet.

      My kids where in hysterics.



      • #4
        Re: Scottish Wildcats & Kittens, Highland Wildlife Park, Kincraig, Scotland

        LOL Ranald....yes I'm pretty sure it was the Blair Drummond park. I remember something about the monkeys too but it was a long time ago


