Hi, again to all. I have an old barn, & it does tend to attract cats! This past week, as I was feeding an old tom cat, black with white front, and another black cat, who's younger, thinner, and has part of the hair on his tail gone, I blinked, as I saw yet again another black cat! In other words, unbeknownst to me, I was feeding 3 black cats! Now there's a famous story about black cats, they say that the humane societies and the pounds cannot get their black cats to be adopted out. It seems that there are many myths about black cats, i.e., the belief that they're bad luck, and even some people have a fear of black cats. When they're in a shelter, they're hard to see, if they are in cages. My avatar here is my very loved black cat, Zubi, whose name I derived from the twin stars, Zubinelgenubi. My dear little gal was killed out in front of my house about 2 yrs ago. I don't see the old guy every day, but they all tend to know what time it is...about 5 PM they start looking for me to feed them out there. Joan
