Well at around 12 noon I got my first knock on the door. "Hey Mister! Do you know your cat is stuck on your roof?".
"Err... I havem't got a cat" I replied.
"Well there's one up there meowing and looks like lt can't get down".
And so over the next few hours more people kocked on the door and there was more discussions on whether it was actually stuck. Some people said they'd seen a cat up there before and it had got down itself ok. Others said it was too young to know how to get down.
Then a chap that passed by decided to shimmy up the tree onto the roof to try and get it but the cat was having nothing to do with him although he did get near.
And so after a few hours of constant disruption I decided to pick up LeRoy who knocked down my chinmney in the attic to come down and open up the windows up there that he'd sealed shut. Within a minute of him arriving he got the window open and had got the cat.
And so everyone was happy and at least I wouldn't have a cat meowing outside my window all night.
Such is life in Chatham, I might add there are thousands of cats roaming all over the city and the fire brigadw will only come out if the cat belongs to you and you have paperwork showing you do own it.
"Err... I havem't got a cat" I replied.
"Well there's one up there meowing and looks like lt can't get down".
And so over the next few hours more people kocked on the door and there was more discussions on whether it was actually stuck. Some people said they'd seen a cat up there before and it had got down itself ok. Others said it was too young to know how to get down.
Then a chap that passed by decided to shimmy up the tree onto the roof to try and get it but the cat was having nothing to do with him although he did get near.
And so after a few hours of constant disruption I decided to pick up LeRoy who knocked down my chinmney in the attic to come down and open up the windows up there that he'd sealed shut. Within a minute of him arriving he got the window open and had got the cat.
And so everyone was happy and at least I wouldn't have a cat meowing outside my window all night.
Such is life in Chatham, I might add there are thousands of cats roaming all over the city and the fire brigadw will only come out if the cat belongs to you and you have paperwork showing you do own it.