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Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers

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  • Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers

    Hello everyone,

    I am here to take the Mick out of the Circle of Gentlemen who claim they are doing service to Scotland by being Jacobite re-in actors.

    I only know of three of the inner circle but let me tell you about them. One is an Englishman who was in a rockband, the other is a highlander from the britches of Argyll and the third, well he is the escape goat.

    The Englishman was made a silent partner when the group was made public. Inside information states he demanded a higher salary therefore the CoG should do something about it and they did. They went public.

    The 2nd person ancestors were in fact supporters of the Duke of Argyll and raised men for his side.

    The third man, he is a Robertson but is the Englishman's right arm.

    This group is doing a Lament for Culloden the end of this month only there is a catch, tickets are £30 each and they are only being sold to certain people.

    The satyr involved in this picture is worse than anything Shakespeare could write. A group of posers who earn wages by mimicking the very people they cannot claim any direct ancestry to and in historical fact were actually against. Is this democracy at it's best or what?

  • #2
    Re: Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers

    One of the mainstays of Highland culture was the people's sense of basic hospitality. This was violated in the foulest of ways at Glencoe in 1692 when the British Army sought the company of the MacDonalds of that Glen, only to turn on them a few weeks later in a bloody and terrible fashion. The infamous massacre is rightly perceived today as the ultimate act of betrayal: befriending on the surface, but with the sole intent of creating a false sense of security with which to strike from behind.

    Above, you see before you another demonstration of devious and calculated betrayal.

    This woman sought my friendship, and even offered comfort when my father died very suddenly, but all along I have now realised it was merely a rouse as she sharpened her knife ready to plunge it into my back. In the past she has ranted about other members of A Circle of Gentlemen - libellously in one case which involved a thread being removed before she was taken to the cleaners by lawyers - and I urged her as a friend to stand back from the brink before landing herself in extremely hot water. Now, however, she has done it to me and enough is enough.

    As per her previous rants, the above is a mixture of personal vendetta, half-truths and downright lies. Permit me to elaborate:

    A Circle of Gentlemen has a 9-man Council, none of which are Robertsons. This, I understand, is an infantile jibe at our Commodore Matthew Donnachie, because the Donnachie crest is shared with the Robertsons. Oh, and there is also no such word as an "escape goat", as if to highlight the complete farce that is this diatribe.

    NONE of us receive a wage, nor have we ever. Show me the evidence to say otherwise Kelly, or is this yet another "lost/stolen file" incident like the last time you were caught lying on this forum?

    I am also "the 2nd person" mentioned, and my ancestors were not only supporters of the Duke of Argyll, they WERE the Dukes of Argyll. That is my Campbell heritage inherited from my mother DIRECTLY from the 4th Duke himself, and I do not, nor ever have denied it. However, in Kelly's desperation to latch onto some badge of Scottishness, she likes to claim MacNeill of Gigha heritage from some obscure and distant line. So for her proud Jacobite boasts, the Gigha MacNeills were indeed involved in the '45 - but in red coats. Yes, they were Government supporters and fought at Culloden for Cumberland. You want to make childish digs at my direct heritage, then there's some for you right back.

    And you'd be wise to remember that a clan looks after each other, not abuse their blood ties for pure pettiness as you have done. Of course, I AM a MacNeill (a real one).

    Our "Lament for Culloden" has run for 8 years now, and has been highly successful. This is nothing new as she has attempted to suggest. Tickets have been £30 for the past 3 years and have been available to the public as they are for this year. No "select" list as our ignorant correspondent here has alluded to. Unless Kelly expects us to throw a big bash at Culloden House for free?

    A group of posers? Matter of opinion I suppose.
    Earning wages? Source please! I'm still waiting on my first wage in that case, 8 years on.
    Direct ancestry? I can show mine, Mr Corby can show his, where's yours Kelly? Direct please, not some convoluted 'cousin of a Texas cousin's cousin' effort thanks.
    Democracy? yes, that involves freedom of speech, but only when you have something to back it up with. You have lied, and this time it won't go away.

    As you can perhaps gather, I am furious at having been duped so cheaply by this charlatan. She abused my trust and friendship purely to maintain a personal vendetta against two council members. She is a liar, completely untrustworthy and a disgrace to the many fine contributors to this forum. She sources her information no more finely than guesswork (or in her previous effort quoting the words of a proven fraudster who claimed to be a clan chief and US Army hero, but is now on the run - how fitting really.) She's as much a serious journalist as I am an astronaut.

    To the forum admin, you have allowed this ignorant woman a free platform from which to spout her untruths on such a regular basis. She has flouted the board etiquette as stated in your forum rules, and is basically a serial flamer. I trust you will deal with this appropriately before it turns really ugly?

    Kelly, you are a disgrace to your mother who is a lovely lady. Coldly abusing my grief at losing my father comes with a price, and I am going to see you pay it in full.
    A Circle of Gentlemen


    • #3
      Re: Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers

      Well I think we have now had both sides of the argument here. I note Kelly has posted a message saying she'll no longer be following this topic in here so under the circumstances I think this should bring this topic to a close.

      In general when you decide to be critical of someone or an organisation it is usually your own view you are expressing. There is nothing wrong with that. However the person or organisation should also have the right to reply and that we will defend in here.

      There does come a time however when the two sides get somewhat entrenched in their own views of a situation and that is probably the best time to bring the discussion to a halt in here as far as the rest of us are concerned.

      I would much prefer to see just one thread on discussions like this rather than starting up fresh threads. This way readers can get a better view of things and make their own minds up on what is said.



      • #4
        Re: Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers


        Thank you for the right to reply. The fact Kelly has chosen to run instead of having the decency to apologise for her malicious and unfounded comments speaks volumes. We shall be taking this issue further, but away from the publicity of your forum.

        Kind regards
        Alasdair MacNeill
        A Circle of Gentlemen


        • #5
          Re: Circle of Gentlemen, Circle of Posers

          Hey Mr MacNeill,

          Since I know this is the same Kelly I know from the Panhandle of Texas and Oklahoma, I believe she is doing exactly what she says in her good by to everyone. Kelly and her mother are both good folk. I don't think the whole story has been told here. Trust me, when those William women put there head to something, it gets done. Best thing for you to do is kiss and make up cause this really looks like a lover's quarel instead of something to do with Scottish clans.

