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Scotlands oldest clipper ship in the world will be taken to South Australia

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  • Scotlands oldest clipper ship in the world will be taken to South Australia

    From Scotties Ramparnt case you don't have his letter sent to you by email as I do.
    Below is a worthy read of a worthy ship....I'm so glad she will be saved. ........gee-gee

    City of Adelaide
    After more than ten years of uncertainty, it is looking as though the
    oldest clipper ship in the world will be taken to South Australia where it
    will be preserved as a major tourist attraction and a reminder of the
    heritage of South Australia and its links with the UK. "The City of
    Adelaide" is currently at the Scottish Maritime Museum in Irvine and I took
    a trip there to say a last farewell to the ship which was known for 40
    years as the "Carrick" when it was moored on the Clyde in the centre of
    Glasgow. Of course, there's more than the City of Adelaide at the museum
    including the building itself which was once part of the shipbuilding
    heritage on the river Clyde. As usual, there's a link to a slideshow on
    Youtube illustrating the many ships and other objects on display. See

  • #2
    Re: Scotlands oldest clipper ship in the world will be taken to South Australia

    Many Cornish miners went to South Australia in the 19th century, maybe some sailed on this great ship, here is a good song to toast the success of the venture. I will post two versions (same group) of the song.


    Port Isaac residents (The Fisherman's Friends) singing a shanty
    A little bit of traditional gold - Cornish fisherman (well, a couple of them are) based in Port Isaac and its surrounds singing a sea shanty on the seafront

    South Australia Spreading the music of Show of Hands live at Albert Hall with Fishermens Friends

