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Winter approaching, 2010

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  • Winter approaching, 2010

    "You will always have the seasons," so our scriptures read, and I say a quiet
    thank you in my heart.

    Who doesn't revel in the bursting beauty of spring? How many sing the pleasures of summer? The grand colors of fall along with that daily swing from cool to warm?

    Now we look to winter and everyone has their own feelings about the season.
    For me I look forward to the hiding out behind mountains of sewing, watching the
    birds steal my seed from the bird feeder, and not haviing to worry with repairs on the house and yard work.

    The pubishers told me they couldn't use all the corrections I made, after my struggling day and night with that. Oh well, I said. To myself I thought, "It's your company, surely you should care, but, at this age I've learned to let a lot of things go.

    I go with the crafts because this is what I do; no other reason. And speaking of crafts, that one at the school is done for this year. There were so many crafters, the cafeteria, gymnasium and all the hallways were totally full. Seems like with all the wonderfully lovely hand made things there should be a warehouse where all these things could be purchased at any time instead of just one day a year.

    I only had one item filched, and that was the lovely little "Scottish Heart" pinchusion, made from the red tartan of the Stewarts. I didn't really mind. Only time was lost, and not much of that. The other was only scraps.

    This is a time for me to enjoy life, my golden years? Surely, I've worked hard enough in my lifetime, may I have just a bit of time to do the things I love, such as, my home, children, grandchildren?
