Roll call on the first day of school in London....
Ahmed Al Sheriah ............................. ......"here"
Mustafa Al Sheriah ............................ ....."here"
Fatima El Bindihiri ............................ ......."here"
Ali Acmah Shabeeb ........................... ....."here"
Ali Sun Al En ..........................No answer
Ali Sun Al En?
A little girl at the back stands up and yells ....
"It's pronounced Alison Allen, for Goodness sake! :wink::wink::wink:

Ahmed Al Sheriah ............................. ......"here"
Mustafa Al Sheriah ............................ ....."here"
Fatima El Bindihiri ............................ ......."here"
Ali Acmah Shabeeb ........................... ....."here"
Ali Sun Al En ..........................No answer
Ali Sun Al En?
A little girl at the back stands up and yells ....
"It's pronounced Alison Allen, for Goodness sake! :wink::wink::wink: