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Now a man of lesure...

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  • #16
    Re: Now a man of lesure...

    Euan,the Colonscopy will work ok.

    Good to hear your Knee has been done .


    • #17
      Re: Now a man of lesure...

      Originally posted by laney View Post
      Look at it this way, this will be your only chance to try and beat some scores in the arcade, if with all this extra time you still cant, give it up hahahaha
      I have already given up....I have better things to do than spend hours trying to get a better score just to see you or Donald and a few others come along and take it off me...:angry:


      • #18
        Re: Now a man of lesure...

        Hi Euan,

        Competition is what keeps us young. Don't lose heart. I enjoy our long distance battles......



        • #19
          Re: Now a man of lesure...

          Euan, don't give up your good with a lot of things.
          Your very good with Computers.
          Remember how you set us up to talk to each other!!!!:smile:


          • #20
            Re: Now a man of lesure...

            Hi Donald, actually the only two games i'm really interested in are 247 Golf and either the 10 min or 5 min pool games..i shall leave the rest for the rest of you...I am particularly interested in pipping your score in the golf...i will soon!


            • #21
              Re: Now a man of lesure...

              Hi again Euan,

              Good to hear that, although with this new arcade, I don't think we have those pool games any more. However, if you pip me I'll just have an excuse to come back on to try and pip your score!!

              Good luck



              • #22
                Re: Now a man of lesure...


                Good luck with the surgery and sorry to hear about the job. With your great sense of humour, why not take some time doing some of your funny jokes and passing around a lot of smiles? The world really needs a drastic uplift and I know you are one who can help do it!


                • #23
                  Re: Now a man of lesure...

                  You're having a bad run of it Euan :frown: It happens to everyone from time to time. I'm sure with your work experience you will find something even if you just work for a job agency. I did that for a number of years and was never out of work. At least in this country we don't have to worry about medical costs.



                  • #24
                    Re: Now a man of lesure...

                    Well hopfully i have seen the last of hospitals for a well as the needles that go along with it!
                    Had my knee fixed and it is progressing well, also the colonoscopy results look encouraging. With some good fortune i won't need to endure another for some time.
                    Will be working again in 2 weeks doing what i was doing 10 years ago, i should never have given it away back then. For those who don't remember, i had a small truck doing contract work carrying spare parts for Singapore Airforce who have 2 bases around Queensland, and another couple of companies. Not sure if i will be doing that same work, but it will be similar. Have purchased the vehicle, now just waiting for it to be fitted with a computer system and GPS.
                    In the meantime Sue and myself will take a break on Wednesday and spend a couple of nights here to relax..


                    • #25
                      Re: Now a man of lesure...

                      Great to see all is well mate,have a relaxing break.


                      • #26
                        Re: Now a man of lesure...

                        Euan. good to hear things are going better for you
                        You and Sue have a good time


                        • #27
                          Re: Now a man of lesure...

                          Hi Euan,
                          great to hear everything is going well. So you're becoming a trucker again. More "freedom" in that but I suspect that you may not be playing games too often.
                          Could use some help over here if you want to make a flying visit instead of having a "break"~~~


                          • #28
                            Re: Now a man of lesure...

                            Naw Sandy..i'll leave all that work around the yard for'll save you some Gym fees...If you need a supervisor, i'll come though.


                            • #29
                              Re: Now a man of lesure...

                              Originally posted by Euan View Post
                              Naw Sandy..i'll leave all that work around the yard for'll save you some Gym fees...If you need a supervisor, i'll come though.
                              It's a deal, get yourself over here and you are hired...



                              • #30
                                Re: Now a man of lesure...

                                Sorry Sandy, can't make it now it's back to work for me next week!
                                I have purchased a new vehicle (ute) not sure what you call them, maybe a flat bed truck?
                                Anyway, i needed to have it painted as they were not supplied in the required color, that has been done.
                                I have also just finished having it changed to run on LPG (liquid petroleum gas). Here it costs around 65 cents a litre compared to petrol at around $1.50 per litre.
                                Friday, i will have a computer and GPS system installed,then a few other odds and ends, so by early next week my retirement will come to an end.

