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The Bell Rock Lighthouse.

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  • The Bell Rock Lighthouse.

    This year marks the 200th Anniversary :cool:

    The oldest existing rock Lighthouse in the British Isles is the tower on the Bell, or Inchcape, Rock a long and treacherous reef lying in the North Sea, some 12 miles East of Dundee and in the fairway of vessels plying to and from the Firths of Tay and Forth.
    Even in the old days, this rock had proved to be a danger to navigation. In his account of the Bell Rock Lighthouse, Robert Stevenson, Engineer to the Board, stated "there is a tradition that an Abbot of Aberbrothock directed a bell to be erected on the Rock, so connected with a floating apparatus, that the winds and sea acted upon it, and tolled the bell, thus giving warning to the mariner of his approaching danger. Upon similar authority, the bell, it is said, was afterwards carried off by pirates, and the humane intentions of the Abbot thus frustrated" Robert Stevenson went on however to state "of the erection of the bell, and the machinery by which it was rung, if such ever existed, it would have been interesting to have some authentic evidence. But, though a search has been made in the cartularies of the Abbey of Aberbrothock, preserved in the Advocates' Library, and containing a variety of grants and other deeds, from the middle of the 13th to the end of the 15th century, no trace is to be found of the Bell Rock, or anything connected with it. The erection of the bell is not however an improbable conjecture; and we can more readily suppose that an attempt of that kind was made..."

    The erection of a permanent seamark on the Bell Rock presented some difficult structural problems. The surface of the rock is uncovered only at low water while at high water it is submerged to a depth of some 16 feet.

    more at

    The Miracle Lighthouse - Part 1

    Part 2

  • #2
    Re: The Bell Rock Lighthouse.

    Note: The above video is just part of a DVD entitled Seven Wonders of the Industrial World.

    e.g. Meet the most brilliant pioneers if the industrial age, and their most remarkable feats of engineering. See how, against the odds, their burning ambitions, extravagant dreams, passion and rivalry produced seven key technological monuments of the Industrial evolution, 'Seven Wonders of the Industrial World' uses a compelling mix of computer-generated and dramatic re-creations to bring these fascinating stories to life.

    Using dramatic reconstruction, this series explores the ways in which the Industrial Revolution changed the world. Each episode explores a specific triumph of the era, including; The Bell Rock Lighthouse and The Panama Canal.

    Also an excellent Scottish website to visit for in depth historical coverage >>> a refernce site for the Bell Rock Lighthouse ----


    The website contains over 60 "pages" of information

    Every conceivable aspect of the the Lighthouse's construction, the Rock itself, and technical advancements, mishaps and problems throughout the last 200 years

    Biographical accounts of all the Engineers, including "Who Built the Bell Rock Lighthouse"

    THE LIFE of one of the sea captains who worked on its construction and was Stevenson's "Man in Arbroathl" during the first 10 years' of its existence

    LIST OF THE MEN who built the Lighthouse, and the Keepers since 1811 until the 1950s; plus the ships and their crews

    MANY aspects of the history of Old Arbroath, plus Sir Walter Scott and the Smokie

    SIXTEEN PAGES of related information ranging from a lightkeer's stories, to Captain Cook and volcanos - to name but a few!



    • #3
      Re: The Bell Rock Lighthouse.

      Here are the remaining three sections ----------

      Part 3

      Part 4

      Part 5

