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Scottish Wildcat

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  • Scottish Wildcat

    I "borrowed" this from the old forum....a thread started by Alastair....I thought it would be handy to bring to everybody's attention again :cool:

    Electric Scotland Wildcat

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd August 2009-----

    I got in a communication about Scottish Wildcats. I'm told there are now only some 400 left and thus an endangered species. I was considering adopting one.. which I might add is only some £35.00 so no great outlay.

    That said I was wondering if you'd like to be part of this as I thought it might be neat if I could adopt one on behalf of Electric Scotland and thus that they might send us some regulaqr details about "our" cat along with some pictures.

    This is not something I've ever done before so just thought I'd touch base with you on this. I thought I might create a forum for "our" cat and hopefully persuade a volunteer from the trust to add an odd update on how things are going and be around should we have any questions.

    Anyway.. what do you think of this as a possible project?



    Highland Tiger......The Scottish Wildcat Official website is at the link


    Alastair also has a specific link on our site with more is at....


    Also by Alastair on -------19th August 2009.

    Re: Electric Scotland Wildcat


    I heard back and they are going to pick a young female cat for us to adopt and will send in a couple of pictures and tell us a wee bit about her plus some general background information.

    I went to and made a £50.00 donation through my PayPal account.

    I've also emailed the Clan Chattan Association to tell them about this project as I thought it might be of interest seeing that the confederation have a wild cat in their crest.



    It will be interesting to find out how Alastair's "Wee Kitty" is progressing. :D


  • #2
    Re: Scottish Wildcat

    Well I'm afraid as so often these days they didn't get back to me with any progress reports. And I got so tied up I forgot to follow up with them. So I guess that is a lesson for both sides... you need to follow up... and thanks Gordon for reminding me.



    • #3
      Finlay, the Scottish Wildcat...

      We covered the mistreatment of Findlay, the Scottish Wildcat on the site and I am now providing a link to a legal document about how the Welsh Police mistreated this wildcat which makes horrendous reading. It was produced in March 2023. You can read this at:

