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Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052) [BD-052] - €54.

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  • Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052) [BD-052] - €54.

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target="_blank"> <a href="" ><img src="" alt="Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052)" title=" Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052) " width="233" height="350" /></a><br />Ampliar imagen <a href="" target="_blank"> <a href="" ><img src="" alt="Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052)" title=" Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052) " width="130" height="195" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/weddingdress//7251-1_01.jpg','Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052)',130,195,800,1200,this,0,0,130,195);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><br />Ampliar imagen <a href="" target="_blank"> <a href="" ><img src="" alt="Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052)" title=" Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052) " width="130" height="195" style="position:relative" onmouseover="showtrail('images/weddingdress//7251-1_02.jpg','Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V en niveles vestido de dama (BD-052)',130,195,850,1275,this,0,0,130,195);" onmouseout="hidetrail();" /></a><br />Ampliar imagen <br class="clearBoth" /> Price: €152.79 €54.57 <br />Ahorre: 64% descuento <h4 style="float: left;color:black;">Modelo: </h4>BD-052 <h1 style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>Step 1 - Choose Options: </h1> <h4 class="optionName back">Colors </h4> Same As Picture Ivory White 01 02 04 05 08 09 10 12 16 17 18 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35 36 37 41 43 44 47 48 49 51 54 56 60 61 66 67 69 73 77 78 79 <br class="clearBoth" /> <br class="clearBoth" /> <h4 class="optionName back">Sizes </h4> US 10 / UK 12 / EUR 40 US 12 / UK 14 /EUR 42 US 14 / UK 16 /EUR 44 US 16 / UK 18 /EUR 46 US 18 / UK 20 /EUR 48 US 2 / UK 4 /EUR 32 US 20 / UK 22 /EUR 50 US 22 / UK 24 /EUR 52 US 24 / UK 26 /EUR 54 US 26 / UK 28 /EUR 56 US 28 / UK 30 /EUR 58 US 4 / UK 6 /EUR 34 US 6 / UK 8 /EUR 36 US 8 / UK 10 /EUR 38 <br class="clearBoth" /> <br class="clearBoth" /> <h4 class="optionName back">Back style </h4> Same As Picture Lace Up Zip Up <br class="clearBoth" /> <br class="clearBoth" /> <a href="" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline; color:#FF0000;" target="_blank">Size Chart</a> | <a href="" style="color:black;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;color:#FF0000;" target="_blank">Color Chart</a> <h1>Step 2 - Choose Quantity: </h1> <h4 style="float:left;">Quantity : </h4> <br class="clearBoth"> <h1 style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>Step 3 - Add to cart: </h1> <p id='add_to_cart' class='buttons_bottom_block'> </p> <a target='_blank' href='msnim:chat?' style="float:left;"><img src=''></a> <br class="clearBoth" /> <ul id='more_info_tabs' class='idTabs idTabsShort'> <li>Details </li> <li>SIZE & COLOR CHART </li> <li><a onclick='dissplay_return(this);'style='cursor:poin ter;'>Shipping</a></li> <li>How to Measure </li> </ul> function displaysize(obj){ var measure = document.getElementById('idTabMeasure'); var idTabtwo = document.getElementById('idTabtwo'); var shipping_return = document.getElementById('tab_3'); var descript = document.getElementById('productDescription'); idTabtwo.setAttribute('class','block_hidden_only_f or_screen'); descript.setAttribute('class','display'); shipping_return.setAttribute('class','display'); measure.setAttribute('class','display'); } function dissplay_descript(obj){ var measure = document.getElementById('idTabMeasure'); var descript = document.getElementById('productDescription'); var idTabtwo = document.getElementById('idTabtwo'); var shipping_return = document.getElementById('tab_3'); descript.setAttribute('class','block_hidden_only_f or_screen'); idTabtwo.setAttribute('class','display'); shipping_return.setAttribute('class','display'); measure.setAttribute('class','display'); } function dissplay_return(obj){ var measure = document.getElementById('idTabMeasure'); var shipping_return = document.getElementById('tab_3'); var descript = document.getElementById('productDescription'); var idTabtwo = document.getElementById('idTabtwo'); shipping_return.setAttribute('class','block_hidden _only_for_screen'); idTabtwo.setAttribute('class','display'); descript.setAttribute('class','display'); measure.setAttribute('class','display'); } function measure(obj){ var measure = document.getElementById('idTabMeasure'); var shipping_return = document.getElementById('tab_3'); var descript = document.getElementById('productDescription'); var idTabtwo = document.getElementById('idTabtwo'); measure.setAttribute('class','block_hidden_only_fo r_screen'); idTabtwo.setAttribute('class','display'); descript.setAttribute('class','display'); shipping_return.setAttribute('class','display'); } <li>Nombre del producto: <h2>Vestido Fascinante profundo escote en V con gradas vestido de dama (BD-052) </h2></li><li>Código del artículo: <p>BD-052 </p></li><li>Peso: <p>1 (kg) </p></li><p>Este tipo de vestidos de dama de honor cuenta con sus gradas bienes reales design.The será del 95% coincide con la foto. </p><br /><br /><p>Silueta: una línea, la princesa </p><br /><p>Escote: sin tirantes de </p><br /><p>Cintura: Natural </p><br /><p>Dobladillo / tren: té de longitud </p><br /><p>Longitud de la manga: sin mangas </p><br /><p>Detalles de la espalda: de cremallera </p><br /><p>Alineado completamente: Sí </p><br /><p>Sujetador incorporado: Sí </p><br /><p>Tela: gasa y organza </p><br /><p>Se muestra de color: </p>el chocolate <br /><p>Forma de Cuerpo: Manzana, Reloj de Arena, Triángulo Invertido, Pera, Rectángulo, Tallas grandes, Mujer pequeña, señoritas </p><br /><p>Ocasión: vestidos de dama de honor, vestidos de noche, vestidos de fiesta, vestidos de cóctel, vestidos de flores niña y más artículos. </p><br /><p>Temporada: Primavera, Verano, Otoño, Invierno </p> <p style='font-weight: bold; color: rgb(178, 30, 54); font-size: 14px;'>Please choose your favorite color from the palette </p> <p style='text-align: left;'>Notice: Since computer screens have chromatic aberration, especially between CRT screen and LCD screen, we can not guarantee the color of the dress you get will be 100% similar as the color chart. And also different fabrics will show different color degree on the same color. So we can not accept any returned dress for sake of color. Please kindly understand us. </p> <p style='font-weight: bold; color: rgb(178, 30, 54); font-size: 14px;'> Please choose your size </p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th colspan="15">Standard size (in centimeter) </th> </tr> <tr> <th>US size no </th> <td>2 </td> <td>4 </td> <td>6 </td> <td>8 </td> <td>10 </td> <td>12 </td> <td>14 </td> <td>16 </td> <td>18 </td> <td>20 </td> <td>22 </td> <td>24 </td> <td>26 </td> <td>28 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>EUR size no </th> <td>32 </td> <td>34 </td> <td>36 </td> <td>38 </td> <td>40 </td> <td>42 </td> <td>44 </td> <td>46 </td> <td>48 </td> <td>50 </td> <td>52 </td> <td>54 </td> <td>56 </td> <td>58 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Bust </th> <td>84 </td> <td>86 </td> <td>89 </td> <td>91 </td> <td>94 </td> <td>98 </td> <td>102 </td> <td>105 </td> <td>109 </td> <td>114 </td> <td>119 </td> <td>124 </td> <td>132 </td> <td>142 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Waist </th> <td>66 </td> <td>69 </td> <td>71 </td> <td>74 </td> <td>76 </td> <td>80 </td> <td>84 </td> <td>88 </td> <td>91 </td> <td>96 </td> <td>102 </td> <td>107 </td> <td>114 </td> <td>124 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Hip </th> <td>91 </td> <td>94 </td> <td>97 </td> <td>99 </td> <td>102 </td> <td>105 </td> <td>109 </td> <td>113 </td> <td>117 </td> <td>122 </td> <td>127 </td> <td>132 </td> <td>140 </td> <td>150 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Shoulder to floor </th> <td>150 </td> <td>150 </td> <td>151 </td> <td>152 </td> <td>152 </td> <td>153 </td> <td>154 </td> <td>154 </td> <td>155 </td> <td>156 </td> <td>156 </td> <td>156 </td> <td>156 </td> <td>156 </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th colspan="15">Standard size (in inches) </th> </tr> <tr> <th>US size no </th> <td>2 </td> <td>4 </td> <td>6 </td> <td>8 </td> <td>10 </td> <td>12 </td> <td>14 </td> <td>16 </td> <td>18 </td> <td>20 </td> <td>22 </td> <td>24 </td> <td>26 </td> <td>28 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>EUR size no </th> <td>32 </td> <td>34 </td> <td>36 </td> <td>38 </td> <td>40 </td> <td>42 </td> <td>44 </td> <td>46 </td> <td>48 </td> <td>50 </td> <td>52 </td> <td>54 </td> <td>56 </td> <td>58 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Bust </th> <td>33 </td> <td>34 </td> <td>35 </td> <td>36 </td> <td>37 </td> <td>39 </td> <td>40 </td> <td>42 </td> <td>43 </td> <td>45 </td> <td>47 </td> <td>49 </td> <td>52 </td> <td>56 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Waist </th> <td>26 </td> <td>27 </td> <td>28 </td> <td>29 </td> <td>30 </td> <td>32 </td> <td>33 </td> <td>35 </td> <td>36 </td> <td>38 </td> <td>40 </td> <td>42 </td> <td>45 </td> <td>49 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Hip </th> <td>36 </td> <td>37 </td> <td>38 </td> <td>39 </td> <td>40 </td> <td>42 </td> <td>43 </td> <td>45 </td> <td>46 </td> <td>48 </td> <td>50 </td> <td>52 </td> <td>55 </td> <td>59 </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Shoulder to floor </th> <td>59 </td> <td>59 </td> <td>60 </td> <td>60 </td> <td>60 </td> <td>60 </td> <td>61 </td> <td>61 </td> <td>61 </td> <td>61 </td> <td>62 </td> <td>62 </td> <td>62 </td> <td>62 </td> </tr> </table> <br class='clear'> <h3>Shipping Time </h3> <p>Total Time=Operation Time + Shipping Time </p> <p>Default operation time is 30 business days from the day you place an order. We will rush your order within 20 business days and 15 business days if you choose rush service from the operation time option,and you will pay extra cost for it.Shipping time varies as: UPS , TNT 2-4 business days, Air Mail(Express) 10 business days, Air Mail(Normal) 20 business days. Please calculate the total time carefully before you place the order. </p> <p>Note: You can also choose Air Mail(Normal) if package weight is under 2kg. </p> <h3>Return Tips </h3> <p>If any returns, please contact our customer support within 24 hours from the time you receive your gown and fill in the Application for Refund in email. Only products in their original condition will be accepted. We do not accept returns on any custom made order. ALL SALES ARE FINAL for custom made dresses. For mis-shipped items, once confirmation got with us, we will be responsible for item exchange and have full refund returned including shipping fee and handling fee. In principle, any emergency order isnot subject to this return policy and will be denied. Also other merchandise, such as veil ect. </p> <a href="" ><img width="163" height="479" src=""/></a> <p style="color:#b21e36;font-size:14px;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold; padding-left:0;">How to Measure </p> <ul><li>A.Bust: Measure Around The Fullest Part Of Your Bust. </li> <li>B.Waist: Measure Around The Smallest Part Of Your Waistline. </li> <li>C.Hips: Measure Around The Widest Part Of Your Hips. </li> <li>D.Length: Measure From Top Of The Shoulder Through The Nipple To Floor,Including The Height Of <b>Wedding Shoes </b>. </li> <li>E.Under Bust: Measure Around Under Your Bust. </li> <li>F.Nipple To Nipple: The Measurement Between Your Two Nipples. </li> <li>G.Shoulder To NiPPLE: Measure From Top Of The Shoulder To Nipple. </li> <li>H.Shoulder TO Waist: Measure From Top Of The Shoulder Through The Nipple TO Waist. </li> <li>I.Shoulder To Hips: Measure From Top Of The Shoulder Through The Nipple TO Hips. </li> <li>J.Shoulder To Shoulder: Measure Your Shoulder Width From The Back. </li> <li>k.Neck: Measure Around The Fullest Part Of Your Neck. </li> <li>L.Biceps: Measure Around The Widest Part Of Your Arm. </li> <li class="wzys" style="color:#DD0000;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;padding:5px;text-align:right;border:1px solid #eee;">Please Measure With Bra and Underwear On. </li> <li class="wzys" style="font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;text-align:right;">Remember To Keep The Measuring Tape Comfortably Loose. </li></ul> <br class="clear" /> Notice: 1. Please also tell us your "Height with Shoes" on (measured from top head to your wedding shoes' heel). <br> 2. Please remember that wear your Wedding Underwear and your Wedding Shoes. <br> 3.Inches and Centimetersare both available for size, and please tell us if you use inches or centimeters. <br> 4. We suggest you measure yourself by a Professional Tailor. <br> 5. It is very normal to have 3CM measurement error between the sizes you give and the sizes you will receive on your dress. This kind of error can not be accepted for any returns and exchanges. <br class="clear" /> </td> </tr> </table> <ul><li><a href="">Inicio</a></li> <li><a href="">Transpor te de mercancías</a></li> <li><a href="">Venta al por mayor</a></li> <li><a href="">Privacidad&lt ;/a></li> <li><a href="">Seguimiento de pedidos</a></li> <li><a href="">Cupones</a></li> <li><a href="">Condicione s de uso</a></li> <li><a href="">Preguntas frecuentes</a></li> <li><a href="">Western Union</a></li> <li><a href="">Forma s de Pago</a></li> <li><a href="">Póngase en contacto con nosotros</a></li> </ul> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Vestidos de novia</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Vestidos de dama de honor</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Vestidos fiesta</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Diseñador del vestido de boda</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Vestidos de novia</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Vestidos de noche</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Traje de Novia</a> <a style=" font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Moda de vestir</a> Copyright © 2012 Todos los derechos reservados . <br><br><a href=""> novia blog </a><br><br><a href=""> novia </a><br><br><a href=""> About blog </a>